Kewl_Kat's Replies

You must be "keeping quiet" because you are a Russian. Shouldn't you be off somewhere worshiping your invisible sky daddy? I was just kidding. I love irrational people. In fact, some of my friends and family members are dummies. I don't care about my image, jerk. I'm tired of superstitious dopes controlling the world and getting special rights just because they are stupid. Wake up and realize that all of the world's problems are based on superstitious, mentally ill, irrational wackos. ISIS = Superstitious and mentally ill Donald Trump = Mentally ill individual who pandered to the superstitious Kim Jong-un = Mentally ill & irrational Church leaders = Superstitious, irrational nuts who rape children and seek "forgiveness" from their imaginary god It's all BS and you embrace it. Meanwhile, the dolts gain more and more power while denying science and guess what? We will ALL pay the price for remaining silent in the face of irrationality. Christians are soooo quick to get their feelings hurt. You need thicker skin. I have a friend who stopped watching in Season 1 because of the "blasphemous" treatment of Baby Doll Jesus. You weirdos are just as bad as crybaby Muslims who can't stand to see a cartoon drawing of Muhammad. Relax, nutjobs. Nobody is forbidding you from being superstitious crackpots. Maybe. If so, thank you, Barron. Very nice but I didn't see a plecostomus and the vet specifically suggested one. Most: Hannah's rape fetus. If Bryce impregnated her (and I think he did), their spawn would be very annoying. It would have inherited Hannah's whiny, victim persona with Bryce's love of rape. Least: Tony's dad I did and would again. Now we have a clown president. America is the world's joke. I agree with the OP. I was liking this show until that happened. It was almost like she wanted Bryce inside her. Who gets into a rapist's hot tub? I'll tell you who, individuals who are craving the touch of a man. This is why she couldn't tell the counselor she was raped. She wasn't. As a girl, it drives me crazy when society only blames guys when weird things take place in the coital realm. It makes females look weak and helpless. All Hannah did was blame everybody else for her stupid decisions. She chased after idiot boys and pushed away the good guy who treated her with respect. She was a ridiculous fool who only had herself to blame. She was ok. Ass was fair and her mouth was open a lot of the time, kinda like the mouth of a fish. Those weren't good reasons to kill herself, though. I agree with all of that. My point is that she didn't have a particularly great ass. It was just an OK ass. I'm a girl. Learn to read. Trump LOST by 3 MILLION votes. We have a stupid, broken system in this country. The majority of people didn't want Trump. So what if the uneducated like him? They were out-voted and it's ridiculous and shameful that the votes of the stupid count more than the votes of the rest of us. He won't get another term. He won't finish this term. In fact, I predict he will be out by Halloween of this year. He will return to his Trumpkin patch in shame. Yeah, right. A 70+ year old stubborn narcissist is going to "evolve." Ha. The idiot is actually DEvolving. He is at the age where his brain is slowly but surely decomposing. Everyday he gets a little nuttier and a little more dangerous. He must be impeached. Trump's base is comprised of the dumbest people in America. Nothing he does turns them off to his special brand of stupid. Trump doesn't drink and you seem to know an awful lot about pedophile culture. I imagine all of them dead or in prison. I read ahead of time that McGregor would be playing both roles... but if I hadn't, I would have thought they were two different dudes, too. I don't think either character looks like Ewan McGregor.