MovieChat Forums > Uriel > Replies

Uriel's Replies

Shame you can't go back in time and live there, fossil. The movie is set in New York 2017, not 1962. Most of the complaints on this board are some of the stupidest shit I've ever read. So no point staying for the after credits scene, thanks. I'd hump her. "fuck face"? Grow up. You're fucking paranoid about one of DC's main three characters, the one who happens to be a woman, getting screen time in a Justice League movie. You should know how that makes you look. She's a highly popular character after her movie. And why wouldn't you want more of her? Scared of women? Why are you so immature and rude to people? A twenty minute shot of an atomic bomb going off...could have cut it down to five minutes and had the same effect. Her career now consists of constantly talking about being a lesbian. It's a comedy. I predict people will be on here tomorrow saying it was disappointing nudity. Would be the first time these movies actually had characters in them. Not in season seven. Gal is much, MUCH hotter than Natalie. I WANT TO FUCK HER. She's the hottest girl on the whole Netflix Marvel universe. Wish she was on the main team instead of Danny. I, too, would like a blowjob from her. Oh shut the fuck up you irredeemable piece of shit.