MovieChat Forums > Uriel > Replies

Uriel's Replies

Does she do that? There we go. Weird. She does loo kind of dark skinned for a white girl, that's why I was confused. Shut up, snowflake. Any good spoilers yet? you're dumb She's a lesbian. I'd rather smash Shelly than her daughter. If she wants to have one it'll probably be soon. I want to hump her. Trump is Snoke and Rey sticks her lightsaber up his asshole. But he just farts force lightning back and she nearly dies. Finn kisses ten white men and ten white women to prove love is love. Do you think any of the turtles banged her? Definitely not a "stick figure" with those breasts. Guess it makes sense now that we know her movie is set in the nineties...she'll probably time travel to the present day for Avengers 4. That doesn't mean he can see in the dark. She had facial reconstructive surgery in the mental hospital for some reason. She's cute. Hope it's a black woman just to drive the idiots here mad. What's her ethnicity? Bit late now.