MovieChat Forums > bek > Replies

bek's Replies

Really? I didn't know that. I just emailed her out of the blue, and she responded. I rarely do that sort of thing, but like I told her, 3 generations of my family have been a fan of her music. My grandmother loved Snowbird, and my mother used to talk about that a lot. Of course, I grew up hearing my mother's music, which was pretty wide-spanning, but included Anne's music. I was diagnosed with cancer a year ago and that sort of thing makes you think about your life, and I just emailed her out of the blue. She was really nice. You seem to be obsessed with my personal life. Actually, I had a great career and was well-respected, so apparently my peers did find what I say interesting enough. Since you're just some anonymous person on the internet, you wouldn't know. What's your life been like? No job, much less a career of any sort. Maybe a loser girlfriend, maybe not. Laying in bed all day, just being a worthless Trump supporter, I guess? That seems to be a pattern, from what I have seen. I'm surprised you're literate at all, since most of them don't seem to be. Also, don't mistake me for a Biden supporter. I don't like him much. But I'd choose him any day over some authoritarian wannabe dictator who doesn't respect our Constitution. Not really sure what you're talking about. I don't spend much time indoors and don't talk about conservatives in real life. I do think it's interesting that conservatives complained constantly about Biden's DOJ when it comes to Trump, but no mention of that when Hunter was found guilty and other Democrats are also taking heat from the DOJ. Isn't that a discrepancy to you as well? Getting rid of any bad president isn't going to solve the world's problems. I have no problem with "trannies" or Muslims, but I won't be dancing in the streets with anyone. I guess you just can't help yourself. That was an excellent movie. I was so shocked by the counter-intuitive ending. A few fools might try it, but now that the initial dummies got busted and are going to prison, the smarter ones should know better. Genius parody. A++. So you can't define it, other than to say it's a bunch of stuff you don't like? She's got talent and style, but that's not uncommon in the music field. She's just one of the ones that struck a chord with a lot of people, much like Elvis, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Merle Haggard, and Garth Brooks in their own times. You could say she's in good company. I admit I do like a few of her songs, and I'm 54. So I guess that's a "yes." Good luck in life, wishing for some bizarre conspiracy theory to come true. And calling other people idiots that you don't even know. lol You don't really believe that, do you? I think you're overthinking the movie, likely through the lens of religion, which is always a risky endeavor. Maybe there is no God, but that's irrelevant, anyway. The actual poem he's reciting is by British poet Dylan Thomas. It speaks to the idea of facing one's fears and persevering in the face of overwhelming odds. It's not about God. How would you know if she lied? It's well documented that she didn't like being in the White House. She's not going back. Ridiculous. She's said repeatedly she's not interested. BKB just admitted to being stupid. I'm not sure it requires a response. Michelle Obama is not going to run for president. Stop reading right-wing extremist sites. We founded the US to get away from kings. Agreed. What's BS about the charges? Seem pretty valid to me. I despise Trump, but... Hunter Biden? No, thanks.