MovieChat Forums > bek > Replies

bek's Replies

Roll Me Away Against the Wind Night Moves But with this many great songs, it's a tough call. Sure is. That was the first time I heard it. Or 99 Red Balloons. So who's paying 99% of doctors and experts in the field to lie? And what is to gain by such a thing? Saying 99% of educated professionals would do something completely irrational, like jumping off a cliff, is just silly. More like the 1% would be the ones doing that. That first tweet is from a radiologist. The second tweet is from a self-described "follower of Christ" who is a paramedic. Any particular reason that you take words from these two as gospel, when you ignore 99% of doctors? Why believe 1% of doctors when 99% disagree? Cavill got bad movies, especially Batman v Superman. Of course, Routh got a pretty bad movie, too. Too bad for both these guys. Cavill would probably be my pick overall... I wonder what he could do in a movie with a great story and actual characterization? I thought the wolves were pretty unrealistic. However, imagine you saw a newspaper headline that a group of people's plane had crashed, and some initially survived only to die before rescue. Would you have batted an eye? Seems like a fairly realistic premise to me. People die needlessly every day without God coming to the rescue. Maybe to certain types of people, yeah. I get that. I have a little fascination with Barrow. I think it's because I'd never heard of it before 30 Days of Night and I really enjoyed that movie. Then I read about it and feel like it's a really interesting place to visit for a day or two (no longer than that lol). I had to Google it. Alaska is too cold for me! I'm already freezing my ass off in Kentucky. ;) When I was watching it, I told myself that is where I'd like to live. The only place that reminds me of it that is real is Dog Island off the coast of Florida. Dog Island has about 100 homes, but only 20 are inhabited full-time. No stores or restaurants there, unfortunately. Just a dirt road and a ferry to get to the mainland. I'd probably like it, but the wife said "hell no." Agreed. Also, I turned on subtitles, and it refers to the creature as "angel", not vampire or anything like that. Nope. It's fictional, but the director had a small town built—the homes, the grocery store, the church—in the middle of a public park in British Columbia, just outside Vancouver, where they filmed "Crockett Island." Yeah, he was shot in the neck as well. Poor Travis! lol I thought that part was poorly done. They didn't make it clear when he was bit, but I've always assumed it was in the pit. No idea how he kept it from them... closed his shirt up after the pit, but before he got out, maybe? You don't remember him being bit then jumping from the helicopter? You've got the right episode. At the 2:39 mark Alisha opens his shirt and see where he was bit. He exits the helicopter (whether it's a fall or a suicide can be debated) at about the 3 minute mark. Not sure if you're remembering the right character. Travis was bit, then jumped from a helicopter. Yeah, this is going to be entertaining. I read both Wishful Drinking and The Princess Diarist. Loved Wishful Drinking. TPD wasn't as good for me. She really is witty and can tell a story, and boy, she had some interesting stories to tell. Sure miss watching this little lady.