MovieChat Forums > bek > Replies

bek's Replies

You only care about truth? Then figure out why those statutes were put up in the first place, dummy. I'm glad you were able to accurately describe "free speech" after I defined it for you (but not before). lol '"Choose one or educate yourself.".... educate myself in wokeness? No thanks, I'll pass. I did choose one..... common sense and logic.' No, dummy. Educate yourself in HISTORY. And understanding "wokeness" probably wouldn't hurt, since you don't seem to understand it. Jesus, that video is boring, and I wouldn't trust anything said in in without first verifying it, since it comes from a right-wing source. Here's a book burning video that's a lot more entertaining, and it's only 2 minutes long: You don't understand free speech enough to explain it. However, I explained it to you, so I hope that helps, stupid. Sovereign? You're not a f'ing stupid sovereign citizen, are you? LOL I love watching them get their asses beat by cops on YouTube. Highly entertaining! We (Americans) have decided to take those traitorous statues down, that's who. If you don't like it, tough. You write a wall of bullshit then tell me I'm the one who "won't shut up." Most of what you're saying is just denial, and the rest is just bullshit. Yes, I know the history of the statues. That is the ENTIRE point. You dummy. You don't even know what you are arguing about. America is moving in the right direction, not even remotely communist, and if YOU don't like it, you can leave, magaloser. Yet again, you show your ignorance. "I don't have to shut my mouth you little bitch, it's called free speech." That's not what free speech is. Here, I'll educate you. Free speech guarantees the government won't come to your house and arrest you for your comments. It's not a guarantee you can say whatever you want, whenever you want. That's why conservatives on social media are figuring out the hard way. And if you really know the history of why and when the statues were erected, and you still support keeping them up, then yeah, you're racist. And btw, they were traitors anyway, so I don't understand why you'd want statues of them in the US. Do you want a statue of Hitler, too? We beat his ass just like we beat the traitors. lol You're so far off you sound deranged. I've had a gun pulled on me, and I didn't cower and I'm still here. Can you say the same? There's no satanic cabal running the world. Stop listening to nonsense like Q. I don't hate this movie... in fact, I intend to see it eventually. I don't like that it's being co-opted by the right, however. They've got no special rights to it. Those American statues deserve to be taken down. Do you even know the history of when and why they were put up? If not, then shut your stupid mouth. If so, then you're a racist prick. Choose one or educate yourself. No idea what you're talking about with the statements about threatening to kill someone. I would never do that. I'd like to see that footage of leftists burning Harry Potter (lol) books. That sounds not only hilarious, but also unbelievable. I can tell you there is definitely footage of righties burning classics, like Fahrenheit 451 and Maus. I can link the video if you'd like. I can understand why you'd want to burn books like that. You can't have people understand what Nazism and Fascism looks like, because they might recognize it today when you practice it. Right, stupid? I'm the one afraid? I don't go around carrying a gun "just in case." You're the guy's afraid of allll these cultural issues, like M&Ms, Snickers bars, Disney, Bud Lite, being "woke", going around calling everyone a child molester or "groomer" just because you don't like what they're saying. You guys are burning and banning books, just like the Nazis did. You're getting manipulated, stupid. Where's the damn "thumbs up" button? Offended by a movie? Like Barbie? Or cancelling people, like the Dixie Chicks? I'm afraid of nothing--just watching this nonsense play out, which won't take long. "Q" isn't exposing anything, you fool. This isn't about good vs evil. It's about gullibility and stupidity versus common sense, and you're on the losing side. I already know. Nonsense right-wing misinformation sites. You people are really stupid. No, why do you ask? Where did you learn about the big conspiracy unless it was from Q, stupid? That's fucking stupid. Did Q tell you that, stupid? "When everything comes out." LOL It's never coming out, dummy! Because it's not real! Like all that Q crap. Good luck, stupid! Is this still available? OMG, this is hilarious stuff... one guy says it's an "FBI psy-op", and the other guy says it's a "white hat military alliance Intelligence." Don't you guys dare stop now! It's just a simple little cult, but I love your imagination! Please continue! You sound like one. I'm not angry... slightly annoyed at most. I can't control what someone else wants to twist my words into... obviously. If being "smoked completely" can be done by some idiot on the Internet misquoting you, I guess you are right. Exact words or not, those are not my thoughts. That's you twisting my words. I hear his healthcare plan is coming in a couple of weeks. I do have a tendency to continue conversations past their prime. Sorry about that. I have far from been destroyed, unless you count yourself trying to misrepresent what I actually said as "being destroyed." Use my words, not the words you'd wish I'd said, if you want to continue to argue.