god_of_war's Replies

actuallly i dident liked it but it dosent make this movie good. this is still a terrible movie STILL HERE YOU GAME OT THROENS TARD fury could have been considerd a good movie if not that terrible ending fight scene off course you dident considerd it bad. because of nolan. thats how misrable the nolanists are. a terrible movie is suddenly just ''diffrent'' because all mighty nolan directed it right because it was TRASH. you got it stupid marvelturds? stop defending this crap Terrible cringefest that movie was im not an sjw. its bad cuz its bad because daredevil fights are more realistic and in real life if you fight alot youl get hurt. its actually the iron fist who is lame because they made danny overpowerd the reason daredevil fight scenes are so good is because those are grousume street fight style that focus on survival rather then trying to mimick kung fu and other asian martial arts. daredevil style is more like krav maga and ancient greek martial arts that the spartans used. anything goes. its all about survival and not trying to be theatrical. iron fist fights could have worked if they actually gave a shiet. which they dident no. they should give the chance to asian-american actors just like they cast all the italian actors to mafia movies and tv shows. i direct you to the sopranos imdb page. check it out. 99% of the actors are italian americans. so why not asian- americans here? right. you wont like it. cuz your a racist prick BULLSHIT. holywood movies are intented to the entire world and not only to american citizens. ok let me ''correct'' myself. they arnt all white. but they arnt asian either. i just so used to whitewashing that i use this word alot. the right word is ''race-wash''. just because its a black guy instead of a white guy dosent mean its ok you sjw lunatics has really wierd mind. the point remain. its a movie that takes place in japan with charecters who still has japanese names and yet they are all played by non-asian actors. good enough for you? cuz i dont give a fuck thats a black guy or a latino. its still a race wash. i had similiar disscution with another fuckhead about the role of davos in the iron fist show. davos is a clear asian. tibetian/chinese in the comics. this idiot fuckhead claimed that because the actor who played him has parents from india that means its ok that he was casted instead of a real asian guy. fuck you stupid sjw morons. thats yet another insult to the least of asian charecters in the marvel universe Judism is a religion you fuckin retard no asians in a movie set in japan. heaving latinos and black people are the same. besides for lunatic sjws like yourself who consider all white man as evil BECUASE SHES GOOD LOOKING? OTHER THEN THAT SHE SUCKS the show messed up in this area as well. making ward a good guy in thw end and blaming everything on his father? he knew about the airplane crash. he knew this is danny from the begining. he gave the order to lock danny in a room with other patients trying to kill him. while his father gave the order to release him. so, ward is a piece of shit just like his father. i dont get why they made him a good guy in the end. what bullshit this is those retards dont even understand the charecter. the show isnt even the iron fist. you can call it marvel's danny rand and his friends instead. they dont even show you kun lun. i mean. i know its a tv budget but you dont need a budget to show the interior of a tibetian monestery bunch of idiots who made this show dident even bother to show his origin story. how he discoverd kun lun. how they accepted him. and so on. his reletionship with davos. lei kung the thunderer. they dident even botherd to show him. all the netflix shows up to this had flashbacks to show the hero origins. even luke cage had the prison episode (which was one of the few luke cage episodes that actually worked) i was ok with not seeing the dragon fight. even though its also possile as agents of shield used cgi to make ghost rider. sure it would look fake as hell but its better then nothing. but ok i was fine with shau lau not appering. but godammit. you can make an iron fist show with frikin 13 episodes without showing he got to the position of the iron fist. instead he keep mentioning his buisness there over and over but thats fucking lazy and stupid. SHOW AND DO NOT TELL you morons. thats what i would say to those idiots. my god. whats the point of showing davos in episode 10 if you dident show his reletionship with danny in kun lun. and hes an asian in the comics (davos) and the whole reason why he hates danny and became a vilian is because hes angry that he was bested by danny's father who was an outsider to kun lun while hes a native to kun lun. this is why he became a vilian. thats why the idiotic loser sjw's who dont know shit about the charecters dont get. the whole conflict between davos and danny is the fact that danny and his father are outsider to kun lun while hes a native to kun lun. but this show went full retard by casting davos to be some mexican guy. now it dosent make any fuckin sense at all. but nooooo forget the iron fist buisness i mean who cares if that the name of the frikin super hero who lead this show. lets see the mechums soap opera stuff. sooo much more interesting. its not even in the level of the 2 seasons of daredevil or jessica jones. even crappy luke cage is better. im now rewatching daredevil season 1 again after finishing the iron turd. its like watching the room and then the godfather. iron fist is really really bad