aavfreak's Posts

Essential Halloween movies Could this experimental plane make the Top Gun: Maverick run? Trying to make sense of this movie makes no sense. Don't dead, open inside The concept sounds amazing Elvis was the King of Rock not the Queen of Rock Was that a speech impediment or an accent? What is it you know him for? (vs IMDb "known for" list) If you're going to make a disparaging joke about someone, at least make it funny I had no idea who she is Another on the list with high production value, but poor excecution. Season 9 - Not much happening Margot Robbie has never had the typical Barbie figure This guy has been in so many movies. The speech Viper gives to Maverick in the first movie about Goose's death I've been duped. I'm looking forward to having all the same discussions over again after this weekend. Stop deleting your posts cowards. Imagine if Luke Skywalker got the Maverick treatment instead. At first I thought they botched the "Talk to me Goose" moment, then...