Jes' Sayin''s Replies

But a lot of the stuff they talk about on the show - Zork, Campaign for North Africa, Magic: the Gathering clones, comic book heroes, and so on - are familiar to much older folks. Written for millennials in what way? Examples? isn't a reputable source. find a video where he actually says it. That quote is about script writing, not directing, and was said by Carrie Fisher, Burger King Boy. Agreed! Good storytelling, interesting characters, fine acting and a great Irish setting. Both funny and tense, a good mix and a good job by the Obamas. Hope they do many more seasons. 8/10 Sad that it appears to have been due to a drinking problem. Those demons can be difficult to overcome, and sometimes they afflict the persons one least expects. There's a recent interview on YouTube where Potts and Perry say they are still waiting to hear. Not sure we'll watch this show. The humor in the previous two shows came from the fact that Sheldon was such a fish out of water. Without that element, the show will probably lose most of its appeal. Suspect that while Lorre knows how to write a show, he's not that good at coming up with an idea for one. The ideas for Two & a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon all came from someone else. Pretty typical of all immigrants, really. Why there are Chinatowns and Little Italies and Little Saigons and Japantowns and Koreatowns and so on. Yeah, weird that that didn't play out more. Yes, the first one sucked most of the good juice out of that orange. Not that much left for a second. To get more humor, they leaned hard into the Greekness, showing syndromes that to most people are unknown, but probably very familiar to Greek-Americans. As a consequence, Greek-Americans seem to like this movie better than the first one whereas everyone else kind of doesn't get the humor. Who knows how they ever managed to make a third. Might be a good time to mention that you should not spray Windex on your skin. Windex is intended for use on surfaces, not humans, and contains harsh ingredients that can irritate or burn your skin. These ingredients include ammonia, fragrances, dyes, detergents, and solvents. Windex's disinfecting properties can also kill healthy bacteria on your skin. this Really? You equate work with getting a chance to go onto a game show? The courts see those as two verrry different things. Word to Ophelia Participation in the game show is voluntary. The putative contract would be take it or leave it. How could such an agreement violate the law? Are you a judge or lawyer? How would you know if he got consent or not? Everyone coming on the show must have known he was doing that? So there's implicit consent? Besides, they could have asked them to sign something before the show started. Yes, that's a great example. More at Cool! Have you seen many of the Roman epics? What's the favorite so far? YES. Wish they would feature a younger photo of her on the site. My friend's wife calls her Jacqueline Bigset.