SySnootles's Replies

I'll have to have another watch... I think there were lots of visual references that other people have listed and I watched it on a ipad so probably missed loads. I'd love to see the original ending too - I guess at some point the director will open up about it. Been recommending it to a lot of my friends as well as Train to Busan. So if shamans were already performing these rituals, what ritual was the Japanese guy performing with the chickens when the death hex came on him? Was it the same thing? It's a good theory too! I don't think the shaman was evil, more of a bit of a blundering idiot that both were manipulating to their own ends. When the Japanese man was 'resurrected' he came back in devillish form, remember when the dead man in the car came back he was a mindless zombie. Your theory also carries weight though, and it's one of the coolest things about this film, that because nothing was verified at the end there's a number of possibilities. I think they poisoned her knowing that Malvina would come back in her body. She had no ties and would not be missed. It reminded me of the Skeleton Key and you could see it coming a mile off. Really poor film. Emilia Clarke needs to step away from some of the crap she's been in outside of GOT... the best thing I've seen her in was Dom Hemingway. I saw two dogs in a pub the other day and one was a cockapoo and one was a labradoodle and they looked EXACTLY the same. Hard to tell with the new designer 'crossbreeds'. I've read many theories about this film, but I like that it does leave it all open to interpretation. I think this could be a battle for souls, and neither entity is necessarily good. There's a possibility that the Japanese man wasn't the devil, as he taunts the priest by both showing stigmata, and a devilish appearance, but he also points out to the priest that it is what he is expecting to see - it is a test of faith. The girl taunts Jong-Goo by not giving him straight answers either, but tests his faith too by asking that he wait for the rooster to crow 3 times. Both fail the test: Jong-Goo loses his family and his sanity, and the priest gets his picture taken - presumably to be one of the next victims. More evidence: Both the woman and the Japanese man are incredibly sinister. They both collect something from the victims. The Japanese man is at least more human in the beginning - he has a house, a dog, a passport. She is more ghost-like, disappearing at will, giving cryptic messages. Both have some sort of Christian traits: she throws stones, he is resurrected. I think that she is the original evil, and the Japanese man was encroaching on her turf. I also think it is her resurrecting the dead. Jong-Yoo's family die before the third rooster crow but maybe her despair is that the souls belong to the Japanese man, and not her. Between the two of them they are using the villagers to battle off (remember she says she has set a 'trap' for the old man) as well as using their lack of faith and ridiculous superstition into play to drive them crazier and crazier. As for the city slicker shaman, he too is being manipulated by both. I don't think he works for one or the other, and the reason he can't get his divinations right is because both are evil, rather than just one being good. In this case his own arrogance is his downfall, even though he's the one that gets to walk away with the end, clearing up the evidence of his own failings as he flees the scene. I actually thought her stuff was really creative, definitely marketable. Some people have the ability to create, but not get it out there. She could also have a mental illness, she has a bit of an ocd obsession with black and white. They love each other though, that is clear, and she seems to have her heart in the right place. Her quirkiness seems to be part of the appeal to him though and she looks after him too. I've seen freeloading, this ain't it. Unfortunately Nellie, in real life, has passed away. Have a look on IMDB, she's got her own credit as well as an 'in memory of'. Apparently adopted from the Humane Society in 2008, she toured in the Legally Blonde musical for a while. In the trivia section it states: 'Is a dog'. RIP Nellie. It's paint by numbers horror, with very few surprises. The ending seemed pointless and I felt left with more questions about Samara than answers. I have to say I enjoyed the first half, where they were using technology to analyse the films and it felt like it could have been a fresh, different angle... but they went back to boring formula again about half way through. It could have been so much more. There's a couple of potential explanations: 1. The scenes after the hotel room were after she's dead, but Maureen's 'ending', a kind of fantasy or hyper-reality that allows her to move on from the reality into the after life. Her brother is there as well, the one who shatters the glasses. Her query at the end is to herself, that she's now in the afterlife. She needs to let go and move on. 2. She had sex with Ingo and he left her alive, and the spirit we saw leaving the room was in fact her brother's, or even Kyra's. This theory doesn't fit for me, after all Ingo is a murderer. To me it was obvious that it was him all along, after the conversation they had in the living room and the fact he's a journalist. She revealed a lot about herself to him not only at Kyra's but then even more in the text exchanges. She must have realised who the texts were from, her connections in Paris were very few, he liked her in Kyra's clothes, then he wound up with her keys, clearly picked up from Kyra's flat where he'd been spending time. She played the game with him and she enjoyed it. The question is how did the police know to be there to pick him up? If they were there then why didn't they enter his hotel room rather than waiting until he exited the building? If Maureen had sex with Ingo, then she was pretty blase about having sex with a murderer, let alone the ex-boyfriend of her slaughtered employer. So I think: She knew the texts were from Ingo and initially played along as it excited her, plus it was sticking a finger up to her employer who she didn't like. After Kyra's death and as the texts grew ominous, she realised he was the murderer and had put the cartier bags in her flat after removing them from the crime scene after she fled, because he was still inside. She agreed to meet him in the hotel but tipped the police that he was going to be there, using a new SIM card, which was why they were waiting outside. Ingo kills her (they don't have sex), her spirit leaves - not realising she is dead perhaps - and Ingo also leaves and is nearly apprehended by the police, escaping on foot - we don't see him arrested we rely on Maureen's confirmation to her friend of his arrest, but if Marueen is dead at that point there's no way of knowing if his arrest happened in reality. The final scenes were as point 1 above. Yeah, they've found safe havens before, they could again. The fact that there seems to be a huge amount of nutters in the region they have based themselves, and nutters are harder to kill than zombies, would make me want to head West, and away from densely populated areas. Anyway I had a trawl on the interwebs and these might be of interest for anyone who wants to plot out locations on a map, or visit if you are a mad fan of the show. First of all, Season 7 locations (in the show, not filming locations) and their distance to each other: Then someone has meticulously plotted all of the Walking Dead comic book locations onto a google map: Thirdly, the locations used in filming - second link on a handy google map: Sadly none of these are in Napa. Where there might be wine. No.... have you seen pics of her daughter? They could pass for sisters in some shots. I think she's aging really well. Kidman looks fantastic in this but seen some pics of her recently where she's looking too haggard and skinny. This week's episode was a good example - why the hell hasn't she been honest with him about her past and how she feels? Then he'd let her have the space she wanted. He's just trying to be a good husband, but he's not a mind reader. Henderson is hot though. They just haven't given Riggs any decent character arcs aside from the one with Owen's sister, so he's got no real background, no substance in comparison to the other characters. Makes him harder to warm to. The street you're talking about near Waterloo is Theed St. I think Marion's house is somewhere in Bermondsey/Borough. Her sister's house is in Trinity Sq, also Borough. I live in Elephant and Castle and run around SE1 a lot! It's enough already. They are hideous and distracting. We definitely swear more as part of normal speech than people do in America. I've even noticed that if I'm in a meeting room at work with my team, we'll swear a lot, but the minute we are on conference calls with Canada, India or Hong Kong we dial it back down. bloody, shag and knickers are considered crude... Nope! I probably use those about 20x a day!! I've read theories that it's Perry, but that seems too obvious to me. I don't see why he has to be one or the other! Creative people are often bisexual. I think the question is, was he in a relationship with Lee Pace? They've been seen together a lot over the years, they are clearly good friends. The fact that nobody can confirm if they were officially living together or hooking up is interesting - so did they really spend that much time together recently? It must be really hard to stay out of the spotlight together that much, and not have people talk about it, especially in NYC. Recent (and most likely made up) reports are he's dating his young co-star from the Crucible, but all the pictures of them together are clearly from Crucible events. Let's just hope if he's single or in a relationship, he is happy.