SySnootles's Replies

I just wonder how they hell they get anything done given they use the minimum of words. Junkyard weirdo 1: Make zombie sword through. Push people down, fight. Junkyard weirdo 2: Er....??????? Can you draw me a diagram? Oh yes!! Thanks I was trying to put her into context :D Eugene couldn't kill a fly!! He might come up with the idea for a fly swatter, but he'll be running with his yellow tail between his legs if he's forced to see action and his old friends getting murdered by his new ones. I like that they just need to act. Living in constant terror and remembering what this man has done to the people they love - I can see why they can't stand it. Waiting for Rick and the junkyard weirdos to get their 5hit together too must be hellish frustrating... they also don't trust the junkyard weirdos because they're too much of an unknown. They are well aware that sheer determination and a set of balls might not be enough, and that it's a suicide mission and they don't care - die trying rather than not try at all. I also think they're anticipating they can bump off Negan without too many people getting hurt. We as fans know it will go tits up, be a total bloodbath and someone precious is going to be dead by the end of it. It's interesting that she's taken the show in this direction. I hope that we get to see a different side of Hanna before the series finishes for good - I want to genuinely like her, rather than just watching how shallow and narcissistic she is. All of the experiences she's had, good or bad, none of them seem to change her. I know this show is a comment on a generation, but after 6 series you want the characters to mature and change, or even become more self-aware of their actions and consequences. Lena has always been bold, with the sex and nudity and confronting the body-shamers, and I've admired the series for that. It was fresh and different. But the characters seem stuck in their old habits, there's none of the chemistry between them anymore and 6 years on we've come to expect a bit of nudity each week, but now I feel 'meh' - been there done that. I hope Dunham doesn't disappear from the public eye though - I feel like she's got more to offer. Try Cardinal as well, that's just come out and it's pretty good - not supernatural but has that arctic 'noir' feel to it. Bellevue has also started, but only seen 1 ep... not bad - and follows the 'things ain't right' theme. I assume they'd kill all the ex-normal-human hungries over time, and new generations being born would be both - intelligent and 'fungal'. So they could farm animals for meat, which would stop the crazy fungal rage from coming to the fore. However, if they eat the mothers before emerging from the womb, then they'd also have to control births, until the point they evolve and not become foetal cannibals. She didn't think this through basically. IMDB lists the kids as being 15 during the funeral and they are showing as 15 now in the flashbacks. Were they 15 during the Valentine's day fight? If so, then I reckon he gets killed on the way home from the restaurant in a car accident. I reckon it will be a car crash. Ah it was beautiful. I even choked up a bit, and I never cry! I thought Amanda Warren, who plays his mother, was also extraordinary. Just gorgeous, with Randall channeling Jack as William passed on, and even down to the little ducks at the end. I thought this was going to be the last in the series, but glad to see there's 2 more. Probably going to have to go through it with Jack now... as he dies when the kids are 15 and which is the age they are in the flashbacks now. Did IMDB import all the old posts here then? I'd like to see Hardy in the role, I just don't reckon he'd do it. I'm trying to think of any suave roles he's played?! He tends to prefer edgier, dark roles. Cavill is too buff, too pretty, but I preferred him in the Tudors rather than the Hollywood superhero look he's got now and I don't know that many women that fancy him. Norton is also too pretty and I don't think he could pull it off, even though he's a good actor - future Bond maybe. Hiddleston has kicked himself in the nuts because he's publicly lusted after it too long and then there was the Hiddleswift faux pas... Alba would be great, he has the body and the attitude and the huge female-fan following, but would they make a jump to a black Bond?! Edgy choice. Luke Evans would be fantastic - he's got enough of a CV to show his hard and soft edges and he's sexy as all hell. Turner could bring back a sense of the Connery Bond, dashing, cheeky and debonnaire but with a hint of something tragic and dark below the surface. I met Jamie Bell when he was 13 and (eek) whilst a fine actor, he's too short and fresh-faced. Fassbender isn't a bad choice, handsome in a slightly weird way, and suave, but I think, like Damian Lewis and Jamie Bell, he's in the list because there's not a lot of good choices out there at the moment. You all realise you aren't on IMDB don't you??