howgamer's Replies

I have to admit, I think it's great lol The SW prequels, Zoolander, Hulk, Joe Dirt The Avengers. It was good, but nothing special. Couldnt agree more. Terribly overrated Probably Star Wars. The original trilogy, Rogue One, most of episode 3 and some aspects of the prequels were amazing imo. Plus it is a cash cow. I would throw in the original LOTR films as well as a contestant. I think other great franchises suffer from having at least one film that is somewhat far below the others (in some viewer's opinion) e.g. The Dark Knight Rises, Crystal Skull, Back to the Future III, Godfather III, Matrix Revolutions, Spiderman 3, JP III (wow kind of got a 3rd film theme going on there). Maybe the Marvel Universe? I probably like about half of what they come out with, but everyone else seems to really enjoy all of their films and they do do a great job of bringing different characters from other films together. They probably have the largest box office success also adding everything together. People love their movies so maybe that is the greatest. Yes, i thought it was predictable since they showed a mean side of him when he was questioning a witness and told Oliver he knew him from his years before the island in early episodes. I kind of actually wonder if he was originally intended to be Prometheus or if it was someone else until they got renewed for a 6th season which wasn't the initial plan. Not really excited that he is in it, but he is a good actor and has some depth so let's wait and see I agree she deserved a lot better. He was not good to her. I like to believe that eventually she leaves him for good. Just wanted to say thanks as well. The only reason I ever went to IMDB was to check out the boards and discussions on films I had just watched. I was totally at a loss until I found this site. Thanks so much!