howgamer's Replies

It's fun walking around, has changed so much over time. Wish there wasn't so many homeless people on the streets though. Right. How could she be so dumb to go from I should always use a VPN to not using one in every instance and then write emails to myself and say they are from someone else. Just bizarre. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Not sure what you mean. The "twists" were not the issue for me, the film lacks any suspense or tension. I am a fan of him. I think he can act, write and direct, but this was just terrible. Please no Absolutely. And then have him save Danny Glover's life and say something like I won't let you die like I let Apollo die! I feel like they've plummeted since the pandemic. Used to go there probably every other week, now it's like a few times a year. Product just not worth cost anymore imo, $10 is too much for a 6" sandwich. Would rather get a full sandwich and side from local diner for the same price. IMAX is cool, but double the price. We have leather seats where I am at too, but I can't stand the recline feature. It always seems to be on a weird angle, but better than the old seats.All those other features sound interesting, but cost would be probably at least $75 a ticket. Not worth it imo. Personally I don't see a lot of theaters closing near me. They seem to be the thing that stands the test of time. The few malls that are in a 30 mile radius, the only thing left in them are the theater. Been there for many decades. Damn got me again! I think it depends on the location how prices have changed. I live in a rural area and ticket prices where $5 20 years ago and now they are $12 or $14 when you buy online with that amazing $2 processing fee. I have to really want to see the movie to go to the theater the last 5 or so years. This is mostly because of not having enough time, but I also feel like the theater experience has not changed all that much. Seating has improved (though still not amazing), but sound and screen quality are just as good as you can get at home. Obviously the big draw, at least for me, is the screen size which is the same it was 20 years ago. I feel like any movie is improved by the theater experience. However, the price sometimes isn't worth it as every thing else is more expensive too. For the above movie in particular, I thought Fury Road was awful so had no desire to see this despite being a Chris Hemsworth fan. To own MovieChat. I don't think Obi-Wan did directly, but he probably learned it from experimenting with his abilities? He did blowup the Death Star by using the force so maybe that put the seed in his mind that he could manipulate objects. Talented and hot. She's had steady work for a couple decades, so not sure how she qualifies as being "pushed". Not anymore. Used to have a small gym at my old job that I used everyday. Now I have accumulated quite a few weights and equipment at home, I pretty much just do free weights. Have a nice squat rack, bench, DB set (though would like to get some heavier), door pullup bar, and a set of bands. Love lifting weights, but also love booze and excess eating so stay quite plump. I feel like having a home gym just saves me so much time and money in the long run. However, if I didn't have it, I would get a gym membership. I really struggle if I go longer than 2 days without working out. Plus I would be like 400 lbs if I didn't workout. Didn't Mace actually win the fight? Seems like he only lost when Anakin lopped off his hand. Just Leia. Luke turned into a coward hermit who spent his last days in hiding and getting drunk on purple Russians instead of being a true Jedi master. Yes Why? Tyson and Ali weren't fast when they had great opponents, come on! Ali v Frazier went ALL the rounds in ALL 3 bouts = not fast. Plenty of other examples with Ali with good opponents just look at the records. Tyson destroyed people in his early years, yes. It's arguable the biggest fights of his entire career were the 2 fights against Holyfield and he lost both. One to a TKO and the other to well ear biting lol. And you are entirely discrediting how good Lennox Lewis was. The guy was great for his era which nobody cares about because its when boxing was majorly on the decline. Usyk and Fury was not a great fight imo, It seemed like both fighters were holding back and I'm looking forward to the rematch or 3peat. The fights with Fury v Wilder were incredible. The last especially, both guys going full tilt every round was incredible. Those fights were great and reminded me of Ali v Frasier. Not saying they were as intense or "better", just nonstop beating every round. Overall thought the card tonight was worth the money with all the knockouts.