howgamer's Replies

Thought it was OK, but overall disappointing. The last couple episodes just seemed really poorly directed and there was lots of bad acting by the villains and the Bear lady throughout the whole series. Kind of glad it is over and Netflix was able to conclude a series. That sounds more interesting than the last 4 films. Plenty of options to have food delivered to your house these days. Though it is expensive. The whole movie kind of feels like a montage. It's definitely unique though. It doesn't make sense because he knows what he has become and all the people he has killed. So he leaves him in burning lava believing he is dead, but than 10 years later beats the crap out of him again to do what? He even says his friend is truly gone and then walks away. It's not the same case, but it seems like an obvious conflict of interest when the victim stole your car to kill someone else. We don't know how much Mikey actually stole, but he had a stack bonds which we have no idea on the value. It didn't seem like too much, though it could have been. Should he have done it, of course not, did he deserve to die because of it, of course not. Should he have known that Mr. Drug Seller would kill him over it, yes. Does it make it right to kill him over it, no. Maitland kills people. Does that make him a bad guy? What? Can't wait for the series on TLJ Broom Boy. Simply, they don't care. It's free marketing to re-use already established characters and eras. The main problem with Star Wars is they have HORRIBLE writers or don't care about it because they still make money. They have the idea of it's Star Wars so people will consume content no matter what which is correct. HOWEVER, they are losing out on billions compared to if they created actual good stories. Lots of people will always watch Star Wars bad or good, but they are losing a large chunk of people by not creating good stories and having horrible writing where they assume everyone is 5 or can't comprehend basic logic. Bad writing is OK if you have other good things like great action, effects, or acting, but when all of those other things are bad too, it's not entertaining. They survive with Star Wars because it's Star Wars so lots of people will still watch. Again, if it was good they would make billions more. Just look at the Obi-Wan series. What's bigger than Vader vs Obi-Wan AGAIN, the greatest rematch before the rematch of ALL TIME! And then Obi-Wan beats that crap out of Vader and let's him live because?? They just are playing on established characters because some people will watch and it's easy money. Hmm probably 5 times. I think it's a good movie with some unique cinematography aspects. I think it's a solid flick and certainly worth a watch, but tend to think it's overrated too, but maybe that's just the crowd I hang out with. Was thinking the same. So the young super hot teacher who has every male student clamoring for her or could go out to the bar on any night and take her pick of the entire room decides to not only risk her career, but possibly jail time to go at it with the dweeb student? Yeah OK sure. Exactly Pure chance. As he is getting off the droid he trips and falls into some lava. I always saw Yoda v Palpatine as a stalemate, neither could beat each other. I would like to believe that Palpatine was too heavily guarded to reach after Yoda and Obi-Wan reconvene, but it seems Yoda's mind was already made up before they even get back together as he says he must go into exile as he is leaving. It really doesn't make much sense other than the story required it. Same thing with the Obi-Wan series, why does Obi-Wan let a clearly beaten Vader survive? The story required it. It's fun walking around, has changed so much over time. Wish there wasn't so many homeless people on the streets though. Right. How could she be so dumb to go from I should always use a VPN to not using one in every instance and then write emails to myself and say they are from someone else. Just bizarre. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Not sure what you mean. The "twists" were not the issue for me, the film lacks any suspense or tension. I am a fan of him. I think he can act, write and direct, but this was just terrible.