howgamer's Replies

His character is dead. It's all he has now. Surely Sandra in that bikini scene almost broke the internet back in 1995! It was, identity theft is a huge problem in today's society. It seems like every couple months I get a letter in the mail saying there was a data breach and all my info was exposed. These companies then only offer a free one year membership for identity protection, yet your info is out there forever. No liability at all. Know a couple people personally that have had it happen and was absolute nightmare. I watched this yesterday for the first time in probably at least 15 years and I don't know. Thought it was just kind of a depressing unfunny film. There were some bits that I thought were well acted, but other than that, I left feeling unfulfilled and waiting more humor and something to happen. Despite the uncharismatic and dry lead, the rest of the cast is full of life and character, which is intentional I'm sure, but they really carry the film. I say it's worth a watch, but I remember this being heavily loved back in the day. I guess my opinion has changed with time. Or just hire decent writers and directors. While I agree they should move away from the current era, there are still plenty of stories that could be told. They just don't seem to want to hire competent staff. Or Dumber and Dumber To. I have extremely low expectations. I am guilty of this. Haven't been coming here lately. Usually I post something after watching it, but rarely ever get replies. Seems like no one wants to talk about movies or shows. Then half the trending stuff is always politics, no thanks. Best: Coca Cola from a glass bottle, the one made from Mexican with cane sugar. Worst: Cream Soda Good question. Probably worth over 100 million, does whatever projects he wants to is what happened. I agree. He's been pretty good in the dramas I've seen him in. Bucks Fat Stacks Moolah Short, shriveled and always to the left. Thought it was a good horror comedy flick. I was thinking the same. Secret karate teleporting technique. About time, took 4 years! It certainly is. Owned one Jeep in my life and never again. People have said I look like Robin Williams. Some people like to live on the edge. Never know when the engine of a Jeep will suddenly drop out from under ya. This is pretty much how I feel too.