MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are the Olympics becoming a thing of the...

Are the Olympics becoming a thing of the past?

-12 applied to host 2004 - Greece won
-10 applied to host 2008 - China won
-9 applied to host 2012 - London won
-7 applied to host 2016 - Brazil won
-5 applied to host 2020 - Tokyo won
-2 applied to host 2024 - Both won back-to-back with France first then US in 2028

Cost to build new buildings to hiding/cleaning up the city's problems to political issues to environmental damage.


Why is the question framed as "a thing of the past" and not "fiscally prohibitive"?


Perhaps in an effort to avoid needlessly complex nomenclature


There is a degree of semantic nuances.


Too many obese people. Not enough athletes around anymore.


Not interesting anymore. I used to love watching the Games, but at some point I lost interest.


I stopped watching when I got rid of cable and stopped watching TV.

Back in the pre online streaming days, there weren't as many entertainment options. I'd flip around the channels and end up watching some swimming or volleyball or whatever happened to be on.


I don't watch TV. I may watch the games after I download it on my phone.


Well, when you have men competing in women's sports, it has a tendency to do that


In my opinion they ruined the "major event" status of the Olympics in 1992 when they started having them every two years (alternating between summer and winter versions). I'm old enough to remember the 1980, 1984, and 1988 Olympics, and they seemed like a big deal. Now it's more like, "It's time for the Olympics again already?"


I was 7 in 1980 and the Moscow games was a big deal by 1984 it was still kind of interesting but I was already losing interest. I can't even recall where 1988 was held without looking it up. South Korea, ok.


This is pretty much how I feel too.


Stopped watching when it went from amateur to professional. I think it was the 1972 Basketball when Soviets beat USA college kids but I might be wrong about that.


Was it 1984 that the American's had Pro Basketballers playing as amateurs in "The Dream Team"?


No, that was 1992. And, yes, I agree that had a long-term detrimental effect on The Olympics.


Ah, I recalled it happening but not the year. I remember the media loved giving them attention. It really shouldn't have been allowed even if they did play for free (money under the table, heh, heh).


Yes...I do remember that some people said that the "Dream Team" would eventually kill the Olympics as we knew it and I think that's what has happened. I didn't like it, because I think it was a great opportunity for our college players to experience The Olympics before going to the NBA (It never bothered me that the USSR and other countries used professional, more experienced players. It was more about the "spirit" of The Olympics from my perspective).

You could even see where this was going to go back then. I remember Michael Jordan covering up the logo of his Reebok sweats because he endorsed Nike. It killed the spirit of The Olympics, IMO.

Today, The Olympics just seems like just about everything else... it's all about the money. There are just too many sports today that shouldn't be Olympic sports... baseball, tennis, golf, It's just not the same anymore as it used to be.


Picking nits but the Soviets didn't really beat the U.S. college kids. The refs kept blowing their whistles and replaying the last few seconds until the Soviets finally made the "winning" basket.


Too expensive to host, it should be in the same place everywhere rather than countries building infrastructure for an event they will not host again. Ratings keep dropping as well as far as I understand.

I don't think there is such a thing as "event television" anymore. We all get to watch exactly what we want, when we want to. We don't need TV Networks dictating what we should watch anymore.


Yes. The individual events get played/hosted every year or every other year worldwide nowadays.

So the "magic" of seeing it every four years is gone.

Also, it's too damn expensive to host the Olympics. Costing literally tens of billions & not being THAT profitable.

Instead of just giving it to countries that ALREADY have the facilities to host the events, the freaking Olympic committee want to the nations to outbid each other to see who's gonna host the damn thing.

Buncha corrupt pieces of shit!


I love watching the olympics and don't have a problem with the every two year schedule. I do have a big problem with biological males competing in women's events.

There has been a lot of talk about assigning a permanent location for the games and I think financially that makes a lot sense.
