partydjz's Replies

OP is 100% correct This is mindless trash, USA is full of zombie craving marvel loving idiots "Sometimes it's possible to overthink these things" Yeah, don't try to think while watching trash like this, it ruins the movie, give me a break Are you people serious ? This trash made you think ? OMG BREAKTHROUGH "Why should an entire country feel ashamed?" Because the United States is a country full of idiots who don't understand the difference between witty intelligent humor and this trash. Not only are they so ignorant to any form of quality in art but they are also so infinitely stupid that they will actually come on an internet forum and attempt to defend said trash. I assume you've never viewed "2001 a space Odyssey" the Matrix is full of childish fight scenes, it's garbage There are hordes of intelligent, thinking humans that think the matrix is pure garbage. This film runs like a pop up book for children, the viewers need action, fights and special effects to keep their attention. "You seem to be missing the multiple literary influences, religious elements, and anime-inspired tone, setpieces, and dialogue." BULLSPIT this is childish garbage This is an unusual circumstance. The user agreement on IMBD gave permission to use the personal contributions ON IMDB, given the look, layout and content of the site, re-posting it on a different site seems questionable at the very least. Also, who are IMDB to allow user contributed content to be made available for download? Was this part of the original user agreement ?