partydjz's Replies

I purchased "Works" when it was released. I remember the song about Pirates. Great tid-bit of information. Emerson worked on a few soundtracks in the early 80's, most memorable to me was "Nighthawks" "Wig in a Box" has Broadway written all over it ~ Yes all action films are like cartoons, and cartoons imo are for children or those with the mental capacities of children. My comment was not directed to you Destinata, this forum nests them automatically I guess After the way you spoke about DeNiro speaking about Trump I am going to boycott your comments You people must be joking American's have to have their gun violence All Die Hard movies are crap, Willis cannot act period, you people who enjoy this crap are idiots "She's a saucy girl" Hanks is boring, period What were they laughing at ? Honestly this movie made me sad, didn't see anything funny in it at all. Yall Are all of you fan boys retarded ? "My god the girls in this movie lowered my intellect" that's what American's want, they take every opportunity to lower their IQ The motion picture industry in the United States is geared toward idiots, and lucky for them that makes up about 90% of the population. That scene shows how much Lion had hurt her, he had abandoned her pregnant with child, he didn't even know if she had a boy or a girl. Quite sure you're missing the point, this film is a character study, not hardly a comedy Very profound statement Ferrell can't act, period "All That Jazz" was a self autobiographical story directed by Bob Fosse. Much of if plays like a fantasy and is done that way to represent his lifestyle during the period depicted in the film. It's very unfortunate that you compare that critically acclaimed film to A Star is born, 1 is a masterpiece, the latter is crap lol, the Razzies nominated Yentl in every category that year She won the Golden Globe award for best director