Catbookss's Replies

As with the OP, It's a good thing to research first, especially if you're from a younger generation. The term rainmaker, from which "make it rain" derives, is quite old. A century or more before Jeezy. It comes from American native Americans and dates back to the 1700s: rainmaker[ reyn-mey-ker ]SHOW IPA noun (among American Indians) a medicine man who by various rituals and incantations seeks to cause rain. a person who induces rainfall by using various scientific techniques, as the seeding of clouds with silver iodide crystals from an airplane. Slang. an executive or lawyer with exceptional ability to attract clients, use political connections, increase profits, etc. What Is a Rainmaker? Jan 30, 2020 - A rainmaker is any person who brings clients, money, business, or even intangible prestige to an organization based solely on his or her associations and contacts. The rainmaker is usually regarded highly within the company by other employees and is a key figure like a principal, partner, or executive. History matters. Oh yes. He's been in some terrible movies, but he's also been in some great ones and given great performances. ^ This. 😬 Give it up already. I don't know why, but this scene from Moonstuck has always stood out as making me long to eat this, which I've never done, despite it being a simple thing to make: Part of it's the kitchen, which I love, and having someone else make it for me, I guess. Holy cr@p, DiCaprio looks and sounds like he's 12 years old in that clip! I don't remember him seeming like a kid when I saw it. πŸ˜‚ Not even with a British accent. I don't think it can be narrowed down to one, but if I have to, yeah it'd be Dirty Harry. But also his many spaghetti westerns, Play Misty for Me, Gran Torino (he was excellent in that), and The Bridges of Madison County. You hid in the trunk of a car to get in?? πŸ˜„ That sounds scary to me, like being a character in a movie. I do remember drive-ins being cheap as far as how much it cost for it being $X for an entire car load, which usually meant a family, although I have no idea exactly what that cost per family or car-load. The same one here I'm talking about, or at least as far as I know it's the same one, also turned into a swap meet on weekends. Maybe that's common. Wouldn't surprise me if it were. 2-3 hours away, that's a long ways away. No pizza in the snack bar, eh? That's the main food I remember. That and Coke. Yeah, when you think about it, they had to take up a lot of land. All those cars, the speakers, the space between the cars, and I vaguely remember a playground kind of area at the front, below the screen(s). That's a lot of space. Unfortunately things often do boil down to $s and Β’s. It's understandable to a degree, but it doesn't mean everything. I'd love to see drive-ins make a come-back, aside from this covid or post-covid period. Honestly, I'd go if the one here were showing something I wanted to see! Even if it were a few years old. When I think about it, it's shocking to me any of them have survived, especially in any area where real estate has gone up and up. It's a part of Americana. Which makes me wonder if drive-ins were a part of the culture in other countries. I have no idea. Like you, the appeal of a drive-in is more to me now than it ever has been, and come to think of it, that's aside from the virus situation. Okay, if you're not into it, then don't. I enjoy hearing these stories, but if you''re not into sharing them, hey, then you're not. Just want you to know I'm interested (and maybe others would be too) if you were. No pressure, man! Either way is cool :) So why do you want to come back here anyway? You've already burned this bridge. I don't love Yes, but this is one of their songs I like. It suddenly popped into my head and wouldn't leave. This was the only way I could exorcise it. (Not that I particularly wanted to exorcise it, but, you know, it'd become an ear worm I couldn't rid myself of.) I've never owned this album, but Yes had a lot of good songs. Fun reading your related memories, and IMO you get vocab points for the correct (or any) use of imbroglioπŸ˜„. A few fewer, but still bonus points for circumspection πŸ‘ Now see? I knew there was a reason I've started to fall for you 😘 This is a Backwards World answer. How long after the Terminator and Mission Impossible movies came out were they shown there? As I remember the ones here, decades ago, the movies shown in the drive-ins were old. But trying to remember back, I'm not sure how old. 2 years? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I guess that's small. Just looked up the population of the small town I moved from (which I consider to be small) and it was about double that. Anyway, though, real estate is insanely high here and drive-ins take up a lot of space. That's why I was surprised the one (relatively) close to you had two screens, and that the person who bought the one here has (apparently) invested in fixing it up instead of turning it into condos or something. It's kind of surprising to me that drive-ins all over the country (were or are there any in EU, or elsewhere?) haven't all been shut down by now, sold, and converted into something else more profitable. Regular theatres are struggling, but drive-ins have seemed like such dinosaurs for decades now, it's surprising to me they haven't gone the way of the dodo. I'm glad they're doing decently again. I hate to see them die off. I haven't seen it, but I'm sure it'd bring up nostalgia for me as well. Oh wow, you could see the screen a mile away from where you lived? That's impressive. I knew a few kids who lived not too far from the few drive-ins where I grew up. None were close to me. But they talked about how fun it was to sneak in and watch the movies for free. I knew a few kids who lived close enough to places like the Hollywood Bowl and the Greek Theatre to sneak in or on the hills to hear summer concerts. Too far away from where I grew up to be able to do that. Sounded to me like a maker of good memories.