MovieChat Forums > Maya > Replies

Maya's Replies

You're conflating multiple unrelated issues. Streamers need cheap content which has been the case from day one. Blockbuster movies need to make money in theaters which has also been the case from day one. "Bad movies" come in all forms and at all different price points. The movie you watched, which you're commenting on the board for, was a cheaply made, straight-to-Netflix movie which would have never come out in theaters regardless. The pandemic has nothing to do with this movie being bad. If you're worried about bad movies in theaters, the time to worry about that was about 10 years ago when studios started steering away from original concepts and investing more into established audiences (i.e. sequels, franchises, etc.) Also would love to see the stats for surgeons who suffocated mid-surgery due to their masks? Feel free to drop that link when you get a chance. Definitely agree that a lot of potential was set up in the first act and got lost along the way. It was so hard to follow the main character's thoughts. I had no idea when she was putting on a show vs. really believing what she was saying. I also didn't understand why she "drank the koolaid" even after the original founder told her about the data collection plan? A lot of things didn't make sense. This probably should have been a TV mini-series to really give the characters more depth. Yeah it's almost as if the screenwriter ran out of time and just ended it. I was completely lost on how all the character arcs changed after the kayak accident. Lots of disjointed plot points. You think the pandemic caused bad movies? LOL. Clearly you're an idiot so it's a waste of time even replying but Netflix pumping out low budget movies has nothing to do with movie theaters being open. Men also have heavy vocal fry but we don't notice as much because their voices are so deep. That's not really a good way to gauge someone's intellect. That's because American TV and cinema is filmed with a heavy LA influence. It then spread to the entire world as America is the movie industry standard. Eric Lively (their brother) was on the Disney Channel show So Weird and was also very hot lol So you're saying Holden looks like a dog? Yikes... Yeah especially Anna. I think Maya's hair always takes me out of it but only a small amount of suspension of disbelief is required to believe them. Lol clearly it wasn't the intention of the people who made the movie but for anyone viewing as a non-white-man it stands out pretty blatantly. What's the difference between them doing it in a movie vs. real life? If their parents were comfortable with them being in the movie that's kind of all you can go off of. Nothing in this movie varied from what young girls are already doing amongst themselves. I think the backlash of this film shows that an extreme majority of people would not watch that scene and be turned on by it in any way. Why should the filmmaker sanitize her work just because a handful of people will misunderstand it through their own perverted optics? It sounds like you're talking about a different movie...? That's not what this one is about. That scene is literally the climax of the movie. You probably didn't see the end of it (spoiler alert) where she dissociates in the middle of the performance and runs off stage crying. You must have also missed the part where the audience was visibly appalled by what the girls were doing. The whole point of that scene was to show how far these girls had gone. In the beginning their dancing was innocent, but Ami pushed and pushed them to go further because she wanted to prove her worth in her friends eyes. The climactic scene being disturbing was literally the whole point of the movie... It was definitely an interesting topic. There's a good chance you'd get along with the people your ex has dated seeing as how you all have the same taste. I like how they explored it! This show is honestly kind of hard for me to watch to see how badly these girls treat their mom. Frankie is completely unlikable, shows no remorse when she acts like a brat, and desperately needs to be put in her place but it never happens. Whose kids act like this? Does Sam know she's allowed to discipline them? It's mind-boggling to see a family function like this. "I can't believe you organized a cancer walk but you don't even care that I stubbed my toe." <blockquote>Class doesn't make you an asshole, a moral compass does.</blockquote> Wow, this statement is very telling of your privilege. If you think poor people don't break laws out of desperation vs. morality then you really need to spend some time around truly impoverished people. They don't want to be assholes, they just want to eat. How can you say they don't put effort into bettering their situation? They get the pizza box job, the son pitches himself to get hired within the first couple scenes of the movie. He also takes the job as the tutor--hellloo? That family is hustling the entire film trying to get themselves out of poverty. They DID become meaningful members of society in providing skilled labor for the Parks. They were also never jealous or angry at the Parks, they literally did a toast to Mr. Park for providing them with income. They unfortunately had to step on others to get to where they were, but that's what poverty does to you. When it's between having food on the table for your family or not, you'll do anything you can to get ahead. Sure Mr. Park works, but the Park family is arguably also parasitic in leeching day-to-day human experiences off the Park family. Cooking, cleaning, studying, even simply sitting with your child and coloring. These are all things the Park family is too good for, so they latch onto the lower class family who is willing to do these things for compensation. And I think you're giving Mr. Park too much credit. His job was never even explained, who knows what his work ethic is even like? Might want to stop banging your head up against that light switch. Ah, and the biphobic gay guy arrives right on cue. Again, everything you're saying supports my point. e.g. "This happens INCREDIBLY rarely." Bi men stay in the closet, go their entire lives without expressing their feelings because our society is not conducive to accepting them. This is seen through gay men like yourself, straight men and also straight women. Never did I say "all" bi men stay in the closet. But the ones who are out apparently don't even exist in your eyes. You're a part of the problem. Didn't he go overseas for school? I don't think they were expecting they would need to work there for four years. As far as the girlfriend thing, I'm pretty sure the girl is welcome to choose who she liked more. It's not like calling "dibs" on an actual human being means you're going to get her in the end.