Johanesse's Replies

Fair enough. Sorry about that. <blockquote>I don’t think charisma is the word you want.</blockquote> I don`t want to sound condescending, but yes, it was ;) Fair enough. Well, here are some people who`s claimed so:, and And where`s your proof? I`m glad that you agree with me :) Because it was the thing that would get Harry to actually leave the room. She probably did it to distract Harry from what was happening to Anna. I know that my response will probably come across as condescending, but do you honestly think that actors would kill for fame? Sure, they would kill for <i>success</i>, but not for fame. Fame is something that many people have a serious misconception about. Many people usually dream of fame for egotistical and conceited reasons, but when they actually get famous, they soon realize that fame isn`t as great as it seems to be. Because of the lack of privacy and scrutiny. And sure, it`s understandable why you are tired of people whining about fame. But it`s not their fault that they are exposed and gets mobbed by fans or paparazzi. Cause it`s their fault, not the fault of the celebrities. And yes, I apologize if I come across as spiteful, but I wanted to convey the other side of the story. In many ways, yes. While <i>Shrek</i> was far from the first Animated Movie to be in CGI (which was <i>Toy Story</i>) or to include Pop Culture references (which was <i>Aladdin</i>), <i>Shrek</i> was influential enough to change the course of Animated Movies. In many ways, it made people and moviegoers eager for movies that were zingy, zappy and zany and had Pop Culture References. As Hand Drawn Animation almost completely disappeared and most animated movies that followed afterwards were completely influenced by <i>Shrek</i>. As they were comedies that were Pop Culture driven and had Celebrity Voices (which was a trademark from <i>Shrek</i>). True that <i>Shrek</i> wasn`t as invigorating as both <i>Aladdin</i> and <i>Toy Story</i>. But it did made it`s impact on it`s own right, which was clearly seen by the animated movies that followed afterwards. So to deny that it had an impact is (I`m sorry if this remark comes across as condescending, as it wasn`t my intention) pretty naive. Perhaps, but you know that we have each of our own tastes and likes. And tastes can be subjective, so there`s nothing truly weird about it. Well, to give my thoughts, it was wrong of her to expose Aunt Imogen in that way that she did. But it didn`t necessarily made her a bitch, as Alice was essentially a fairly decent character otherwise. Don`t worry, you`re not the only one who likes this movie. I happen to like it, too. The visuals, the score and the overall whimsy and wonder of the picture. Sorry, but I disagree. The score was great and helped elevate the movie to a higher level. Well, the solution is simple: Because he was a child, as opposed to Anna, who was a teenager. Most parents have a tendency to punish or blame the older child, while the younger child doesn`t get punished. It happens a lot of times in many families. Technically, Pocahontas was the first American Princess, despite how she wasn`t a Princess by royal blood. A Native American didn`t came from technical Royalty. But since she was the daughter of a Chief, she was a Princess in a archetypical sense. Otherwise, Tiger Lily would`ve been the first, as she was the daughter of a Chief, too (despite how NeverLand wasn`t in America). But what are your other reasons for disliking <i>Hercules </i> and <i>Pocahontas</i>? Only the title characters? Just wondering, MovieBooker94, what do you think of the ending? Okay. Then we can agree to disagree ;) Even the score sounded Chinese to me. Well, it was a conscious choice by the animators. They wanted to make her look more angular when she was disguised as a man. But that`s the beauty of animation, to be able to cheat like that.