Johanesse's Replies

Well said. I don`t think Jack Black was a miscast, but he was a peculiar choice for Denham. Adrian Brody was fine, though. Thanks. But at least you`re not alone of thinking that <i>Pocahontas</i> isn`t the best among the Renaissance. Fair enough. But did you mean your response as an insult? <blockquote>Hercules shares imo a lot of the problems Pocahontas had.</blockquote> How so? Well, despite how <i>Pocahontas</i> is essentially perceived as being the Black Sheep of the Renaissance, it`s still not a universally hated as it could`ve been. While it`s been stuck with a lackluster reputation (and not only for it`s controversy), I`ve still seen love for it, anyways. And frankly, just as with <i>The Hunchback of Notre Dame</i>, it`s fanbase has grown througout the years. With that said, when I first saw <i>Pocahontas</i> as a child, I was so mesmerized with it, because I fell so completely in love with it. However, later viewings made me realize it`s flaws: That`s it`s dramatically uneven and a little too po-faced, preachy and serious. And as an teenager and adult I`ve also realized more of it`s flaws: The plotholes in the script, the mediocre voice acting and how the characterizations (with the exception of Meeko and Thomas) aren`t as compelling. Still, I have a soft spot for it, because of the animation, music and cinematography. Well, to give my opinion, I understand why you consider her actions to be rude. But the truth is that her actions doesn`t make her a mean person. Perhaps rude, but not necessarily mean. Imagine how it must be to be Vanessa Hudgens (or any celebrity): Being constantly approached by fans almost every single moment who never leaves you alone. Of course most celebrities would be annoyed for being constanly approached by fans during times when they don`t have any obligation to respond them. If you were asking for a picture during an event or a fan meeting, <i>then</i> it would`ve been justifiable to perceive her as rude. But in a private moment with her little sister, she has every right to have and crave her privacy. I`m sorry to say this, but it`s the truth. I agree. It`s a fun action movie and deserved a much higher rating. Agreed. Gosling was delightfully goofy and funny as Ken. He stole the show. Fair enough. Agreed. Fair enough. But at least she was a kind mom to her daughter. "I couldn't figure out why anyone would find a movie like that entertaining." Well, sometimes movies aren`t meant to only be entertaining. Movies are sometimes meant to teach life lessons and to showcase some art. Such is the case of "Bambi". True, but the truth is that bears are actually afraid of humans. Just as much as they are of us. And it`s a fact. Fair enough. Fair enough. Fair enough. Well, she was fine. She certainly looked the part and the role was right up her alley. What were your thoughts? Well, remember the Girl Power mantra came in 1996 with the Spice Girls, not in 1996. "I could do without the messages of Existential Crisis and Oppressive Patriarchy. I mean, they're thought provoking and all, but the whole movie would've been stronger if it focused on Barbie's history as a female icon". Perhaps, but I didn`t mind it. It gave the plot and the movie some gravity and depth and therefore it was deserved. "That being said, the movie itself was fun. Good acting, some funny comedy, and colorful production. And needless to say that Ryan Gosling stole the show especially with his song I'm Just Ken". Agreed. At first I thought that Gosling was somewhat of a miscast for not being attractive enough (no offense). But he stole the show as Ken. He was truly genuinely goofy and dopey as Ken and made the character more enjoyable. Me too. Despite how I felt the ending wasn`t as sappy that it became downright off-putting, I still enjoyed the movie.