Johanesse's Replies

Me too. Despite how I felt the ending wasn`t as sappy that it became downright off-putting, I still enjoyed the movie. Well, were you expecting a deep and inventive plot? This is a Barbie movie, for goodness sake. It was meant to be nothing but pure, relentless fluff. And sure, the plot was stupid, but it was expected. To be honest, despite how I like them both, I find Alanis to have more substance and depth as a whole as an artist. At least Alanis`musical intentions and artistic imagine was genuine, while Avril was more manufactured as a whole (and no, I don`t mean it as a disregard). Well, if you`re going to take a true, valid comparison, the issue is that Disney had various movies to make cheapquels from, compared to DreamWorks. DreamWorks made only four Hand Drawn, animated movies when hand drawn animation was still relevant. Besides, DreamWorks were entering the animation field when animation was beginning to change (the urgency for CGI vs Hand Drawn) and the only DreamWorks Hand Drawn Feature that actually was a success was "The Prince of Egypt". Therefore DreamWorks didn`t had the same need as Disney to constantly capitalize their legacy with cheapquels. Just my thought. Besides, while I do like "Joseph King of Dreams", I still consider it to be a second-tier product (mainly because it`s too short). But I wasn`t one of those who truly hated the Disney cheapquels either. The animation is mostly cheap, despite how I do like other aspects of it (the score, the voice acting, the overall mood). Agreed. It was very good and deserves to be more liked. I agree with you. It wasn`t bad at all. It was actually very good. I agree. He`s really cute and handsome :) I`m glad that you had a nice experience with him. From the few videos I`ve seen on YouTube, he seems like a nice and friendly guy who`s generous with his fans. I was a fan and I`m still a fan to this day. "Eh, I don’t think “goody two-shoes” quite covers it for Emma Watson. She does that thing with her eyebrows where she smirks that “I think you’re stupid and I’m better than you” expression, which makes me almost immediately dislike her on the spot". Fair enough. But I still consider her to be a goody two-shoes. For me, "Bambi" is the better movie. It has better music and better characters. Despite how I like "Lady and the Tramp", too. Fair enough. Well said. I couldn`t agree more, OP. Agreed, it was a very fun, entertaining and enjoyable film. Regardless of whether you love Mario or not. Why? Well, I saw the film yesterday. And I`ll say that I was surprised of how passable it was. I was expecting it to be a lot worse, but it was fairly entertaining, despite it`s hackneyed premise. I highly doubt that Sabor deliberately waited to attack Tarzan until he was an adult. Sabor just happened to attack Tarzan and his family randomly. I disagree with all the naysayers who always said that Jessica lacked charisma. To me, she had a lot of charisma, so I don`t see why that was an issue. The other issues seemed much more plausible. Okay... Like which ones?