Johanesse's Replies

Agreed. Riley was simply a quite bland and personality-deprived character. She simply was not given a proper reason to care for her, other than superficially. Perhaps people have realized how overpraised and overrated Pixar's Golden films are and by that are voting up the negative reviews? Due to "Inside Out" belonging in that era? Who knows. Btw, I remember writing a neutral review of the movie on IMDb user reviews on it's release. I did praise it's strengths and weaknessess equally, yet people voted it down. IMDb users are nimrods. I thought both movies were equally good. I expected to dislike "The Jungle Book", but it blew me away. But I as good as it is, it's still had it's flaws (the song numbers were extremely jarring). It's funny that SkarsgÄrd, who usually comes across a quite charismatic, jovial and likable guy, managed to spark so little charisma in his role as Tarzan. He was so dull and bland in that part that it's almost a contradiction that he actually has so much charisma otherwise. Yeah, I liked this movie very much as well. Never understood why it got so panned by the critics. It wasn't an unforgettable milestone, but it was still a good, well-made and fine film. Agreed. I've ranted enough about the choice, but Emma was a too conventional choice. She looks too young for the role, as well as being too prim and proper for Belle. There are plently of beautiful actresses who has more inner beauty than her, as Rachel McAdams, Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie or even Emmy Rossum. The gay references are brief and innocent. I don't understand all the fuzz about them when they were brief and not relevant to the actual plot. Agreed. The animated Belle looks way older than Emma does. But she looks way younger than her age. Agreed. I think that's the reason why Watson was chosen and frankly, she was a too conventional choice. I liked how they made everybody forget that the Prince was a ruler for the land. I recently saw it and I loved it too. It was a great movie. I didn't found her terrible, but I thought she didn't carry the movie. She never lighted up the screen. I liked it a lot, too. The beginning was somewhat forgettable, but the film improved afterwards during the second and third act. The 3D was good as well. I think your latter statement is one of the reasons why "Hercules" underperformed, despite the movie having plenty of jokes and satirical references to appeal to adults. Some reviewers claimed that it's appeal was mostly made towards adults. Agreed. I hated "Hercules" first, but I grew to love it afterwards. And frankly, I found it superior to the dull and stale "Mulan" in every single way. I was twelve, going on thirteen when the movie was released, but Disney movies always had a fall release back in Norway that time. At the time I utterly hated the film and I considered it to be a disappointment. Fortunately I've changed my mind. To be honest, I'm torn about it. I absolutely detested the character of Tamatoa, due to him being awkward and unlikable. But "Shiny" was still a good song. Because Mushu broke him. But I've wondered myself if he was really able to come alive as Mushu did.