Johanesse's Replies

Oh really? Where's your proof for the latter accusation? And as long as YOU respond, I'll be here calling you out for what you are! So what goes around, comes around, honey. You pleaded for this yourself! Oh and what has my mother to do with this, huh? And you possess the intelligence of a poo! Turd yourself! You're a disgrace to humanity, America and the rest of the world. Well, hello there, honey :) I happen to live on my own. And for the last time, moron, I'm not a native English writer! Do I need to spell it to you, dumbass? I bet you're the one who actually lives in your mommy's basement, but your mother did a terrible job of raising such a hostile douche as yourself! Now buzz off yourself and get a life! Oh, just because I have my limitations with English, doesn't make me a moron, but you don't need to be an intelligent person to know how to spell right. And yes, I'm talking about you. Intelligent people don't insult others and denies their own blatant errors and contradicts themselves! I happen to be a quite intelligent person, actually. More than you, since you're too dense and narrow minded to realize your own mistakes and lies about it as well. So I guess you can't be older than twelve. Good riddance I wasn't hostile, I was explaining the facts in a constructive and objective way, while you were being such a hostile douche back at me. If you consider my response as hostile, then it's your loss. And I have much proof about me not being Sobby, but I guess that you're so biased that you won't even listen. Surprisingly you're quite constructive otherwise, but that doesn't you give you the right to be a douche towards people who points out your mistakes. That's way immature. Because that's what you are. And way more. I guess you're probably not even old enough to even be here. As if you deserve respect. You're a hostile, malicious douche who insults people rather than having a civil and constructive discussion. Oh and since you rant about me being a sock account, then prove it. I'll buzz off when you buzz off. And start to get some decency and learn about being respectful, something that you're completely incapable of being, you dumbass. Gee, how you continue to scare me. And yes, of course I didn't mean it. Get a life. Whatever, we're done, troll Nice try, genius. As if you weren't a liar as well. Both a liar and a hypocrite. Aaaaw, what a sweetheart you are. Btw, your previous response made laugh hard. Good riddance, loony. Oh, you're proving your maturity. I'm dazzled by it and you're proving who's the real troll here (to the moderator and the rest of the boards). You're a contradicting hypocrite. Oh, I'm so impressed by your decent way of handling a situation. And yes, I was being snarky. You're a douche yourself and I hope that your mommy gets to know that you're making a huge fool out of yourself on the Internet. Good riddance. Perhaps I'm not an Native English writer, but just because of my lack of the proper use doesn't make me useless in my basic English. So I'm the immature here, huh? You're actually not being particularly superior yourself, due to your dismissal of your own mistakes, which makes you a immature coward. And how am I being a liar when I'm telling the truth? Perhaps you could perceive me as a pompous and arrogant, but at least I'm not being a contradicting, whiny and self-righteous asshole who's actually lying and completely lacks awareness of his/her own mistakes and result to name calling to get your point across (and yes, before labeling me as a hypocrite, I'm calling you names because you called me names. What goes around, comes around. Karma is a bitch when you are, pumpkin) At least I came to prove you wrong (objectively), but since you're all those things that I've mentioned priorly, you just wanted to flame bait and fight. At least I have a tendency to discuss in a constructive and civil way, while you're just being a troll (for what I've seen). I challenged you, but that's because someone needed to prove that you were wrong. So learn what the word troll means before using it! Oh really, so we're the same user, huh? Talk about a good imagination. Then I suggest you to come up with a valid argument or prove it. Due to your hostile, self-righteous and malicious nature, there were obviously a malicious indication in your insult about my interest in Disney. And nice try to cover it up, genius. If you had actually was aware of your own intentions, you've would've realized that. Oh and just because I have an interest in Disney, apparently it makes me unaware of reality? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense! I'm not a retard either! And what does my English has to do with it? It's just like if I was trying to criticize your basic Norwegian, but since you're such a malicious and ruthless prick, you pick on my English grammar as if it actually mattered, when it's in fact not relevant to the discussion. And since you're such a self-righteous and unlikable douche, I'm tired of citing the facts, but I suggest you to get a sense of reality before accusing me of being Sobby (which I'm not). So you can FO yourself, since you're not doing anything good on these boards besides being a mean douche!. It's funny how you're accusing others for trolling, while you're doing the exact same thing! But I guess you're too dense and self-righteous to realize it. So if you're going to act like a mean crybaby, I suggest you to seek out a therapist and do something constructive out of your self-pitying nature and start to get some self awareness and stop acting like Cartman in "South Park". I suggest that you get a life and hobby, you mean dick! Oh my, how you're losing this discussion so easily. And yes, you're doing so by being a denying and callous jerk. I suggest you to get a hobby that serves you better on these boards. And yes, I'm actually being more intelligent than you, since you're making such a fool out of yourself and result to insulting and name calling instead of proving me wrong with valid statements. So that makes me less intelligent, huh? If you're more intelligent than me, then prove it with VALID facts (but I guess you can't). And was your citement about Disney films meant to be an insult? Oh, how gracious you are. So it means that just because I discuss about Disney, it makes my opinions less valid, huh? You're clearly proving that you're not mature enough to even discuss, so I suggest you to grow up. 1) Yes, you were being contradictory. 2) There's a difference between looking for an argument and citing the truth objectively. And I did the latter and someone clearly needs to tell you how wrong you're actually being. 3) Yes, I did. And I suggest you to go and meditate and do something useful with your life besides being a hostile and reckless bastard before arguing again. 1) Yet you've denied your own statement, while blatantly accusing Sobby for the same. Claiming that such a statement were needless of an elaboration and accusing Sobby for the lack of elaboration is hypocrisy. So yes, you were being contradicting. 2) Oh really, so that makes us the same, huh? I'm not a Native English writer either, but does that makes us the same? There's plenty of us. Look at his posts and mine. Do I even go the same lengths as him/her to being a fool? 3) To quote your own statement; This is a public board, so I can participate in the discussion. So your comment isn't even valid. I'm just pointing out the truth and citing your own contradiction objectively. And due to your last comment; I suggest you to get a grip, grow up and learn some decency and awareness of your own mistakes. Or some decency, since you're a reckless and foolish coward who's blatantly making a fool out of yourself.. You know what, napsdufroid? I've seen the posts between you and Sobspobb. And I'm sorry to cite this, but regardless of what a troll he/she's being, at least his/hers original post was more elaborate than yours! At least he/she did (somewhat) elaborated his/hers opinion (though perhaps not as elaborate as it could've been), whereas you did not elaborate at all! You just threw a statement just to mock and troll, so therefore your argument is invalid. Regardless of the theories of Sobspobb being a sock account, you're the one who's contradicting yourself! You are accusing Sobspobb for the same argument, while denying your own mistake and not even having a valid argument to cover up for it! So I apologize my direct approach, but you're actually the one who's making a fool out of yourself with your contradiction (at least for your lack of elaborating). Sobspobb is being an annoying troll and a bastard on his/hers own right, but at least he/she's not blatantly denying his/hers actions as you're doing. Fair enough. I can see that they were unsuitable to the pacing, though I personally never thought of it as a big problem.