BlackMass's Replies

I'll do what I feel like doing, champ. Not sure that's how it works. Not sure how, champ. Just one amendment: <i>If Biden cheats his way to victory <b>again<b/><i/> Sure do. Talking about the Alex Jones/David Icke types, and their many followers. Never got my answer. The oddsmakers still say Trump is going to walk it. Fine band, "Black Man Ray" is my personal favourite. Saw them supporting the great OMD years ago. Nah, he was very astute. Children don't nab Beatles catalogues. Jackson was a serial pedophile. His links to Epstein are further evidence of this. Hopefully the film tells the true story of a good man and doesn't get polluted by any far-right sentiments. You know, falsehoods about Floyd having a prolific criminal past, or using counterfeit bills while drugged out of his mind on the day he was killed. We all know he was a little black angel who was "turning his life around"! The rape [b]conviction[/b], yes. Maybe the area had a low ***** population. It is about ability, but not the kind people [used to] think. The NWA looked at who could draw crowds, and generate strong audience reactions to their matches and interviews. Being the champ also brought home more money. Vince McMahon put his title on John Cena a zillion times because the guy was a natural at manipulating crowds and he did some of the biggest pay-per-view and merchandise numbers of the 20th century. Where did Astaire call Mick one of the 5 best ever? I hope wigs are invented soon. He's disgusting. They all are. Can you read? Murray is acceptable in most of the roles he plays, but he is definitely a one-note actor. A wafer-thin talent. Not in that sense, but Chalamet's publicists did their absolute <i>darndest</i> to dig up a long-dead court case from 2001, in which Oldman had been falsely accused of beating up his wife (Oldy was cleared and given sole child custody, and the son said his mother totally fabricated the "incident"). 2018 was the peak of #MeToo, though, and Timmy's camp of vultures hijacked that "believe women" bandwagon all the way to the Oscars. They failed.