Pondlass1's Replies

Join Twitter and tweet your discontent to Dabb. I do it all the time. This has been a WTF season all along - especially this latter part. It's certainly not my Sam and Dean I'm watching on the screen. They've been hit with the gullible stick or something. OK, I think I remember now. The BEST BIT about that episode was Dean crashing through the door like he meant business. We've hardly seen [i]that[/i] Dean at all this season. Good points. Love: 1. "Regarding Dean" episode 2. No more Sam and Dean contrived angst (writers listened to us finally) 3. The twins? (Everyone loves them apparently. I cannot even remember who they are) Hate: 1. The BMOL (bad accents and bad storyline) 2. Mary. I once cared. Now I want her dead and gone. Thanks, show. 3. Lucifer - too much. 4. Crowley - too stupid. 5. Cas - too de-powered. [i]I call it Turducken/Dean. But not as much fun.[/i] Hey....I liked Turducken Dean. 😘🍔 [i]At least the brothers look good.[/i] They REALLY do, don't they? And - honestly - although I bitch & bark about writing and editing... I'd never complain about the quality of acting. And, for the most part, (except for Crowley's cheap looking basement throne room) the set locations are well done and effective. [i]how much the show runners want to carry over an unpopular storyline[/i] Do they know it's unpopular? I don't think so. I mean... they think Claire is a fan favourite. How in touch are TPTB with fan nation? If they only read tweets and articles from the "squee" club - then they have no idea. When they included the scene with Lady T's son I doubt they planned anything for future episodes. It was thrown in to juxtapose her being a caring mother with her being a cold torturer. I don't think these writers plan more than two episodes ahead. They definitely don't have an outline for the whole season - they've admitted this. Mary (and her son Sam) both don't bother warding where they live. Why Super Duper Hunter Mary didn't even make an effort to ward her home and protect her children needs some explanation at least. However, I'm not holding out much hope. And don't get me started on the open door policy of the bunker... They're hunters. They KNOW about supernatural ways of protection and security (apparently) but never use them. It's frustrating. We even saw a sigil used once that trapped humans. Why they've never bothered with it again is just plain stupid. I agree. They won't kill the baby. They'll just kill all our interest in the show by either having it sprout up fast or stolen and a bumbling baby chase begins. Yawn. I hate being so down on this show. But this season has really done me in. I've been critical before, but I've always cared. Now I just don't care. Even when stories got lame we still had BAMF Dean. He's MIA now. Over at PrevTV they're calling this season's Dean - Valium!Dean. LOL Pretty apt! You haven't missed much. The two Marks spend their days on set posturing and pontificating and repeating the most banal of lines. Meanwhile nothing really happens - although Lucifer seems to have the upper hand at the moment although at this point I don't think anyone really cares. It's such a waste of Mark Sheppard's talent. I preferred him as the ambitious mischievous CRD. Pure unadulterated audience manipulation. They throw us crumbs when we want the whole loaf. These writers no longer write for the invested, loyal fan - they write for the casual viewer. The deeper you look the more you realize nothing make any damn sense. It's just a series of them trying to shock and awe us. Mark Sheppard seems pretty keen at conventions. But the writing for him has been so dreadfully dull. And where IS Crowley exactly? His throne room is cramped and cheap looking, and when he summons his minions there's only about 6 of them. Demons are no longer scary (and badly acted). Where can they go with Crowley? The other Mark isn't having much luck in terms of writing either. A big chunk of the fandom is done with Lucifer. Stick a fork in him, someone. Same shit different day kind of thing. Same thing with Cas. He's has been in the doldrums for a couple of seasons now. And his powers make no sense anymore and come and go to fit with the script. Hopefully he's recharged his batteries during his stint in heaven and is a bit more interesting. The show needs a shot in the arm. I've personally reached a point where I don't give a fig about any of them except Dean (and Sam, I guess. Oh, and Baby and Eileen and maybe Jodi). Cassiopeia I like your ideas. Although I enjoy ketch for some peculiar reason and kinda hope he survives. Mary can die. I'm done with her. And Dean actually killing something is a novel idea. Haven't seen that in a while. But if devil baby survives we're stuck with it for season 13 I fear. They'll never kill a baby, although I'm expecting it to sprout like a weed and next season will be Luci, Crowley and the boys chasing it all over Vancouver. Why can't they give the Nep Duo the budget to balance or something? ""all saying the same thing to each other,"" This was my first reaction. They appear to love and have a good knowledge about the Show. However, they don't like debate or outsiders and the influx of (unruly) IMDb members has upset their nice comfy apple cart... so they're scurrying about making new rules. If you post in the wrong topic your post will be removed and punitive measures handed out!! WTF!! I hope this site doesn't die during the long summer hiatus. There are some interesting discussions at PrevTV so I do always check there. But rarely post because of their rules. Thing is - IMDb had it all in one place. Now we're scattered like the four winds. And it doesn't help that this season is one of the lamest (in my opinion anyway). Hebejebees indeed! I never bothered with SK and her nasty threads before, but just glanced through now. Yikes! Hope we never sink that low again. 😵 Is the site live then? I've signed up. The Archangel Michael has figured as the greatest and most revered of angels in many scriptures and spiritual traditions. Michael is a leader of armies. He's been referenced many times by the Show over the seasons. But who is Michael? We've never met him and apparently Dean is his vessel. Seems like enough meat there for maybe a season. Michael might be a little crazy and dark from his time in the cage. Dean's fought monsters all his life. I think he's a little crazy and dark too. (There are some cool sexy images of Dean Winchester as the Archangel Micheal online but won't let me post here). However, I'm bracing myself for more BMOL, fast growing devil baby, and .... sigh, Lucifer. ""I am enjoying all the speculation though probably more than I will enjoy the actual episodes themselves"". I think we put way more thought into everything than any of the writers or showrunners. It's very apparent they write for the casual viewer not the committed invested fan.