Pondlass1's Replies

Lucifer is really fun. I'd love Jensen and Jared to do a cameo. The series used to be shot in Vancouver, they've now moved to LA unfortunately so it probably won't happen. It was predictable. But I also found it entertaining. At least I wasn't bored as I have sometimes been during other episodes this season. Claire stomping off to get bitten by the werewolf was pretty stupid, as was the opening scenes with the brother and sister meandering slowly through a dark snowy forest. Who does that? It's supposed to build suspense but I'm sure most viewers knew exactly what was about to happen. But at least Dean seems to be back to his old clever self and saw through Mick right away. They've kind of dumbed him down so much this season...I wasn't expecting that. I'm not so sure Mary sleeps with Ketch. He may proposition her but she'll say no. This isn't vampire diaries. Mary’s relationship, acceptance and even approval of the BMOL is just another Sam hit a dog scenario – audiences are scratching their heads and saying WTF. You brought her back for THIS? Sam was all weird and distant when Dean escaped from purgatory, nothing was ever really explained. And now Mary is all weird and distant with her sons and we have no idea why. OK, she needs space... but why is she so completely enamoured with the BMOL? Her sons are freaking heroes and have a lifetime of hunting experience and stories to tell – they’ve both been to hell, they’re friends of God, they’ve saved the world a couple of times. In comparison the BMOL are shifty, use gizmos not intellect and – well, they’re strangers. But Mary will be redeemed. I'm preparing myself for her redemption arc to begin soon. TPTB have a good idea of audience reaction, and Sam Smith must too. She receives the brunt of the angry tweets. Either she’ll float off happily back to heaven. Or she’ll join Jody as mother to a batch of eye-rolling wayward daughters on the spin off. I will be very unhappy if Mary dies violently again. Not because I care about her – but because of what it will do to Dean. It’ll kill him. Thanks for posting. Not complaining, but it will be nice when links are clickable. I think the Js relationship is kind of legendary (and envied) in the entertainment world. They're brothers on and off the set. It will be difficult for both of them when (and if) the show ends and they must work with other actors. *Edited to add that Stefan and Damon - although brothers -do not have the same relationship on the show. In fact, they're not that often in the same scene and they never work as a team to achieve a common goal like Sam and Dean. They are in love with the same woman and trying to kill each other most of the time. And there's not much chemistry at their convention panels either imo. I'm pretty sure it was Eileen. Hope so. I've been spending a lot of time at Prev.TV. They have some interesting discussions there and members are informed and passionate about the show. However the set-up is clunky. You cannot reply to a specific post. You can only reply to the general thread. So following a conversation is awkward. Hopefully we can get more of the old crowd here. I know it's coming along bit by bit - but yes I miss the emoticons and also the 'quote' option. And we do need some kind of system for dealing with the inevitable trolls that will rear their ugly heads once we are underway. He's growing on me, too, Bella. They're writing him with layers, not one-dimensional like Lady Twit. I'm also wanting to see what's going to happen with Ketch the murderer (who could be sleeping with Mommy Dearest). Now THAT will shake things up. :) I’m giving it a very generous 7 because it was entertaining, although I’d like a new monster every once in a while. I’m a bit over vampires and werewolves. But Dean is – thankfully - back to being sleuth Dean...he sussed out Mick right away. And Sam & Dean working as a team and having each other’s backs is – well it’s awesome!! Love that they got to stay in a posh hotel, but teasing about Dean swimming is not nice, Andrew! The constant competitive who’s the cleverest hunters - US versus Brits - theme has grown a bit tired. I don’t expect anything but sullen moodiness so Claire was bearable. Maybe the spin off will be Wayward Daughters hunt the were-mice that couldn’t be healed (saw that on twitter and had to laugh). 7/10 **My main issue with this season is that I don’t care about any of the peripheral characters that have been introduced. I’m just not invested – they can all die... Mary, Claire, Baby Daddy, the lot at the BMOL (although I’m actually intrigued by Ketch and warming up to Mick and his weird beard). OT – I live in a country with universal health care and am jealous that patients in the US apparently get a great big private hospital room all to themselves. Where I live she’d be bandaged and sent home to heal. (I'm really enjoying Big Little Lies.) The actress is apparently popular on set so she must have a fun side. But the second the cameras roll - no matter the show - she becomes the quintessential moody sullen teen. She seems unable to play any other type. "I like her when she's not interacting with Crowley. I think both characters are better off being apart from each other. " Yes I agree. It's not that they don't have chemistry - it's that the writers continue to write the same 'one-note' dialogue between mother and son. It's been done to death. Whereas I'm enjoying her interactions with the brothers as a reluctant partner in crime. However, I prefer that they use her sparingly. Spells and magic books are the tools of lazy writers. 1.85 (I'm a dreamer) Please please pleeeeeeease don't let it fall to an 0.4 :( People are speculating this episode is a set up for the wayward daughters spin off. They truly wasted so much potential with purgatory, and it's not like it was expensive to shoot. Just have Dean in regular BC woods and then filter out all colour. I remember that summer hiatus when we excitedly speculated what could happen if all the monsters with a score to settle with Dean showed up. People were making YouTube videos and everything. But it all fizzled like a lead balloon. Dean was out within seconds of the new season. He only met some miscellaneous vampires. It was all such a sad missed opportunity. Instead of an adventure in purgatory with Sam frantic to find a way to rescue Dean, Sam hits a dog and yadda yadda yadda... It was a fast paced adventure. Kept me interested and entertained and wondering what will happen next. Jensen has mentioned at convention panels that it was quite complicated to film some of the action scenes and he was very impressed with the director. My only quibble would be Billie. I don't like her condescending attitude and wish the actress would play it a different way. Or better still, bring back Death. Not a favourite episode by any means, but certainly not an episode I dislike. I'm finding this current season lacking in terms of fast pace and 'adventure'. Andrew & Co are so keen to present their super duper hunter MOM extraordinaire who stopped off to buy packaged meatloaf on the way home from a hunt she didn't tell anyone about, they don't seem to realize they've totally wiped out what we've always presumed regarding Dean's first 4 years. There actually was no warm loving mother and safe home. She took off. Could've died. Didn't ward the house or mention that monsters could be after her. Left Dean and placed him in danger just like John. But give me John any day. Him I understand. Nothing in season 12 has grabbed my interest and Mary has turned out to be a disappointment. Bumbling BMOL returns to London tail between their legs Mary returns to heaven (floats off happily not violently killed) Baby Daddy Lucifer locked up again in cage (oops but Michael escapes) Baby Luci goes to live with Jodi and turns out to be a cute regular baby Cas decides heaven is too political and grows some balls (and wings) Sam and Dean actually feature in a blockbuster of a season finale which has us all gagging for season 13. Not expecting any of this to happen. :( They really need to power up Cas. It would make him interesting again. Why can't angels fix their own wings anyway? I've tweeted directing fans to this site. I think any action will build once we get into new episodes and people are itching to say their bit. My issue right now has to do with tech problems (laptop). So I'm not posting much. (Also unhappy with recent writing and editing.) But I'd love to see more of our gang back. A few are at PrevTV but many seem to have gone silent. I will spread the word for sure. It's like 'home' here.