Nicolai's Replies

Dialogue and acting mostly. Great camerawork and music but that was fully expected from a tarentino movie. It was a bit slow though for my taste, could have been shorter. The ending was insanely fun Leo, but not by much dude if a big guy comes for you, like kuku said: run. Either that or be really aggressive and try to knock him out fast. If you try that and fail he will beat you up tho, so go buy some jogging shoes lmao Its just captain marvel from the comics, or if i can remember she was even stronger in the comics, I dont think any hidden agenda is there Well yes, he is pretty insane. Doubling all resources would do the same thing as killing half the population. Sortoff.. He is smart though What if Thanos could not destroy the infinity stones (i dont think it was possible to destroy them in the comics..) but instead he spread them around the universe. So then the avengers have to get all the stones again to revive everyone, while the real Thanos (not his generic bad guy copy from the past) tries to stop them. You can even have almost the exact same massive final battle, only with the awesome thanos from infinity war, you know, the one that actually killed everyone, and not the exact same generic bad guys from last movie. totally possible to not use time travel Alright, thats a good explanation actually, so there always was an 'older' captain america dobbelganger during all the movies. Nice ending for him. ty lol your totally right, he shouldve died right away, but shh just enjoy the cgi and explosions, pew pew, great movie! 8.6 on imdb Well, in an earlier avengers movie 1 stone would disintegrate you immediately. I think what he is saying is that Iron man should have died right away wearing all the stones. Which makes perfect sense according to the movies. Some people just like a movie to be a little bit consistent. And some people just like cool cgi action, which is fine, if you enjoyed it, good for you. Explain to me, Gamora died right? In the same way as Black widow. But Gamora is back now..? But Black widow can not be brought back? Well just my opinion but no. I rewatched infinity war after endgame and it was sooo much better. Characters actually get a storyline like Thor his brother gets slain before his eyes then he goes and forges a mythical weapon to slay Thanos with. Thanos himself with his motivation why he wants to kill 50% of all life in the universe etc etc.. even the camera work and special effects seemed better. What did endgame have? A decent final battle, some good action scenes and thats about it. It was okay, but just expected more after the previous movie then this. No, its possible to do time travel and do it well. See : Primer , or others that I cant remember right now Most movies fail at it though, its just hard for me to watch a movie that makes no sense, might be just my own problem :p Explanation: It does not make sense, no use thinking about it. Look at the explosions and try to enjoy this movie Agree, pretty good 7/10, it was better then I expected The young Cap went back in time and stayed in the past (which creates a whole new string of endless possibilities of how much overpowered stuff they couldve done with time travel), but up untill the point he went back in time for the last time, (:p) yes, two Captain Americas existed. The senior Captain America was in fact alive for all the avengers movies, and he had Mjolnir, but he was relaxing with his gf. Man I dont even want to think about this movie anymore, Infinity War was the final avenger movie for me. Im just going to pretend endgame never existed. Most sad part is that it has a 8.7 on imdb. Might be even darker. Did the baby die from the explosion?