Nicolai's Replies

Its fcking awesome, binged all 8 episodes, cant wait for season 2 When Antman proposed to do time travel, and when it was made clear that this is infinite time travel, nothing bad even happens when you fight yourself in the past, or hug your dad, or decide to stay in the past. The whole movie had two captain americas living in the same world, just one was having fun with his gf, hell, even two Mjolnirs right? It makes 0 sense, this kind of time travel is stronger then the infinity stones. These movies make lots and lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Turn around Look at what you see In her face The mirror of your dreams Make believe I'm everywhere Given in the light Written on the pages Is the answer to a never ending story Reach the stars Fly a fantasy Dream a dream And what you see will be Rhymes that keep their secrets Will unfold behind the clouds And there upon a rainbow Is the answer to a never ending story Nahh!! Just something flew in my eye Our space ships are running out of gasoline! hahahaha, the last jedi was just ridiculous I like that spinoff movie (rogue one?), TFA was not that bad, the last jedi was fucking terrible though. Really hoping the next one will be better. But not that excited for it, will probably just download it Why dont you guys just google how many times passes between star wars movies? Luke has had years of training already in Return of the Jedi Since nobody bothers to actually fact check and keeps claiming Luke also magicly got his powers Just google how much time passes between star wars movies first ok Actually, Return of the Jedi is set four years after A New Hope In a new hope Luke is pretty useless, he does train for 4 years, so in part 2 or episode 31 (whatever) he has trained his powers. Also a few years pass between 2 and 3 Who said only 43 deaths, the soviets? Just watch the end of episode 5 Indeed comrade! Nothing bad about some nuclear power, it has not ever hurt anyone! Для матери России!! She didnt really kill herself, she was basicly already long dead, just staying alive to defeat the night king. She completed her quest ET yea agree, My biggest problem was basicly there was no way they could ever fix this, yes the movie ends badly (or not if you were rooting for the serial killer) and thats not a bad thing, I like bad endings, but for a movie to be exciting there has to be some way for the 'good' guys to win. If the bad guy has automaticly won, then there is no tension. Killing the woman that lost 1 hand and survived, even if it would have undone the possession would also have been a bad ending. What other option was there? Kill their own son.. also bad. So without any way possible for a good ending it just doesnt make for a good movie Hahahah yeah lots of stuff in this show is completely random, its a cool show though, for me the quiet guy (with the dog) was my favorite character, untill he just whistles gets his dog and leaves xD Yea it was good, trippy movie, it started really strong but I didnt really liked the last 20ish minutes (ending), still entertaining haha yeah, its either they split up or one- two characters go do something on their own, look for supplies or w/e and get captured. It's actually really easy to predict, but ah well the show got zombies and i like that, the zombies are just there now and no threat anymore though :( season 1 was awesome. We should split up! Every 3-4 episodes they say this and everytime..