conanurdevilish's Replies

[quote]Every studio runs promotional campaigns like that! Why are you singling out Marvel?[/quote] Because the MCU is the only one where the promotional campaigns are actually followed by tons of reviews from critics and online fans calling it a masterpiece, the best film of the year, etc. No film series I can think of has received this level of ass licking. Not Star Trek, not Lord of the Rings, not James Bond, not Terminator, not Transformers (the MCU's template), not even Star Wars. I've seen far more flack towards the Force Awakens than I've seen for the MCU movies. Now if the MCU films were actually well written, well made, creative movies than I can understand that. However they're not this. They're not even films that just copied it's story from well received movies like the first Iron Man. They're films that just regurgitated itself with a new reskin and are the opposite of well written, well made and creative. I haven't something this lazy since CSI and all those crime procedurals that copies CSI. The MCU apparently exist in some reverse/bizarro universe where what people normally pan films for, the MCU gets praised for it. 1) Someone is using some wrestling billing here because Dwayne himself has said repeatedly when he gets interviewed that he's 6 ft 4 when the interviewer ask if he's 6 ft 5 going off his WWE billing. 2) I just worked with Dwayne again after nearly a decade after working with him the first time on Tooth Fairy and yes he's 6 ft 4 as I remembered. His costar onset is 6 ft 5 Pablo Scheiber and Dwayne's about an inch shorter than him. Sometimes Dwayne hunches a bit and you have to account for hair too since Dwayne is bald, but when Dwayne stands straight, there's about an inch difference. 3) Anyone who claims he's 6 ft 2 or 6 ft 1 or whatever that I sometimes see clearly has nepoleonic complex and don't know what they're talking about. I've worked with tons of 6 ft 2 people throughout the years and he's definitely taller than them. Also if anyone ever seen pics of Pablo with his half brother Liev like in the bottom, I can say with certainty that Dwayne is 100% taller than Liev as there's much less height gap between Dwayne and Pablo as oppose to Pablo and Liev. [url][/url] He's definitely shrunk as you can easily see his body had better days and his posture always looks off now. Though he still looks somewhere in the 6ft= 6ft1 range judging by other famous people he has stood next to. LOL at he's still taller than Sly. Sly has done everything to keep his body and height good over the years while Arnold's gone to crap starting from his governor days. Not to mention Sly likes to wear height enhancing shoes (hence why he's slightly taller than Jason Statham in those Expendables films), but Arnold is still maintain above Sly's height. Keeping on the height topic, I wonder if Arnold had a decompressed/bent spine during his body builder/Pumping Iron days? I've seen pics from that time where Arnold's torso looks rather small and his back is noticeable improper. I also remember a pic of him next to Chris Reeve and Chris had like half a head on Arnold but it was from his Pumping Iron days judging by his hair. Then I looked at another pic of Arnold with Chris during the 80s where there was only like a inch height difference between them this time and his torso was noticeable much longer in his T2 full body pics in comparison to his Pumping Iron days. This might explain why Jeff Bridges was slightly taller than him in that movie. Her actual height is somewhere around 5'6 to 5'7. I worked on the film White Chicks with her all the way back then. I stood right next to her. I had on runners while she had on around 3 inch heels and the two of us were the same height. Then I was surprised to see what all the stars of White Chicks had their heights listed as. Keenan Ivory Wayans was the only one who looked his listed height of 6 ft 3. Jaime and the other two Wayans brothers looked at least 2 inches shorter than what IMDB had them listed at the time. I would've been surprised by her 5'9 listing even before working on that film because I first noticed her from Pearl Harbor and she was shorter than both Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Garner (both 5'8) in that movie like in these pics. There's even been a number of female actors I've worked with who are listed as being shorter than Jaime, but ironically are actually at least as tall if not taller than her. See the rest of my post got cut off, where the rest of what I was going to say: My brother compared a video game I like to play called State of Decay to Walking Dead and while there are many similarities, there's probably two reasons why I like State of Decay but got tired of Walking Dead.1) Playing a zombie apocalypse is much different than watching it. 2) At least SOD gives me an option to be a hero and try to rescue people and attempt to help rebuild human civilization. Walking Dead is the inverse of this where everyone is apparenty now a selfish a-hole. So which of these two series do you think is more overrated?