eastangliauk's Replies

Not sure why many dislike this one. I give it a 6 out of 10. though the new ones are defo better. there to many people on this planet or some should go to mars and have cities there. only viewing season 10 still but I like the most Lisa Bart Homer Marge Maggie well I will say the last 3 films Rise 8/10 Dawn 9//10 War 7/10 defo like Jurassic Park better but jaws is still a good film. I bet the OP is one of them flat earth people to. Very new to the incredible hulk only watched last month but its very good. Its no to dated I don't think. Pretty pleased as have on my Sky HD box and watched episode 8 the other day so not caught up yet but lets hope this gets a conclusion next time. Star Trek Beyond was good film but think I liked GOTG2 more. Yes I heard its been renewed. Think Voyager was better with 7of9 and the borg episodes Yes Kong: Skull Island is much better. Our cinema here in Clacton only has 4k 2d but still was a very enjoyable film. which I give a 7 same as first never been to a 3d one before the nearest one is like 50 miles from here LOL. I also think rocket raccoon is best. only saw the first the other week and best film have seen for about a year I think.