MovieChat Forums > Geiri > Replies

Geiri's Replies

Yeah I wanted to like it and thought it started well but it was just way too random and annoying at times in the second half. I can't think of anything more boring than two straight girls kissing to get male attention. Looked like a giant testicle to me. So hot! I wish I was one of his students lol The excitement comes from the other person being different. That person does not have to be more attractive looking. Plus it was also simply an opportunist move the first time, seeing her at the right time when they were alone (when he went jogging). He wasn't promoting it just getting into a likely mindset for someone having an affair. I thought it was softcore gay porn because of the poster photo. I think it also just depends what type of medicine. We have both in Iceland. Kinda cute Paris Hilton no longer holds the record for worst attempt at transitioning into a popstar. So just men then? (see poster) Yeah. So hot! Puberty changes your body so you start sending sexual signals. Not just how you look but even how you smell. Its not a part of heterosexuality for a man to be attracted to little prepubescent girls. In the same way its not a part of homosexuality to be attracted to little prepubescent boys. But sure some pedos have a preference for boys or girls. It doesn't necessarily align with their preference for adults (if they have any. Some pedos are only attracted to children). They couldn't pick more opposites. One is a talented woman, the other a man without any talent and only known for dressing like a woman. Its very weird to act like your being oppressed for the only thing that actually made your career in the first place. Good facial material The homoeroticism you mentioned. Afraid it will turn you on? I'm not American. Don't care who's president there. It was very creepy the first half. It became ridiculous the second half. Racists make movies like this one.