pelosfx's Replies

I think 3 in a two-year span (for sure more but I don't feel like researching now) for such a niche topic/plot is quite a large number. It's not like we're taking 3 films in the romantic comedy or action genre. I agree with the OP that it's getting tiresome although it isn't necessarily anyone's fault. I really like that touch, the seemingly straight arrow cop keeping the drug money when you least expected it. I think it both showed Bobby that the code of silence is intrinsically wrong and at the same time added complexity to the character played by Sheen There's 'Falling', directed and starred by Viggo Mortensen, which came out in 2020, with Lance Henriksen as the old man suffering from dementia What I didn't understand about this character is why they made him Brazilian. They made a Spanish actor try a mediocre Portuguese accent for no apparent reason. Nothing in the plot requires Zeca to be from Brazil. It felt like unnecessary hassle To me it was made very clear that it was Robert wearing a mask he'd made using his expertise. It looked like Banderas too much to be another character. I thought exactly the same. That she looked detached because she had to break up with him and dreaded that moment The best thing about this film is the lack of clichés in a type of film that can so easily abuse clichés This is a bit of a grey area. It's true Joe seemed unsympathetic and inconsiderate but Ruben was at fault too, playing both sides and having the operation behind Joe's back. Ruben got into a sought-after program instead of other people that would gladly make the most of it. Hard to say who's in the wrong Good analysis. I've also seen the Walter Hill reference (The Warriors) and some Carpenter too(Escape from New York) Just one thing, ACAB is Italian, not Spanish Is this actually true or guesswork? You make some good points but I still feel they could've toned down the nature of the crime and subsequent dad's revenge, which would've made a more consistent ending. I happen to be from Spain and that sort of petty criminal you see here so often isn't the one to torture, rape and murder underage girls. I watched the film with my wife and she said the same thing. Crushing a felon's head with a fire extinguisher does not quite compare with raping, torturing and the like Glad to have this conversation,though. Things have never been the same after the death of Imdb forums Funny you say that, because to me, the ending (what you say you liked so much) could've been much better, and it's the weakest link in the film Spoilers ahead The young criminal the 'villain' is after doesn't fit the bill of a sadist, merciless rapist, torturer and murderer, nor does his accomplice. That made me roll my eyes, something I did again when the credits roll and the hero walks out of the police station and doesn't even get interrogated after shooting a man's hand off for no apparent reason. That would be unimaginable in real life Yeah, that was lazy writing or worse, they were looking for a dramatic effect. Besides, you see the lead walking out of the police station the same day, without being remotely interrogated That reminded me of Liam Neeson in Taken, turning Paris upside down and getting away with everything I must disagree here. That was a nice touch, the implausible hero, a guy that was way overpowered and unimposing. I liked the way the film subverts expectations, because you think his partner, the taller and stronger guy, would be the hero, only he isn't. This film also surprised me for the better. It's a type of film they don't make any more, reminiscent of High Noon and Outland, thrillers/westerns where the lead is out of his depth but has to soldier on no matter what. I agree with the much too convenient plot devices (deserted roads, phones or radio not allowed) and the motivations for the bad guy are also implausibly ruthless, but all in all a breath of fresh air. Plus, the Robocop reference (at the very end)was cool Apart from all that there're some shots and camera angles that have been homaged/ripped off She was miscast, indeed. Also she was presented as a flakey, lazy young woman while she looked like someone mature and reliable. Just another one in a long series of flaws to be found in this 'film" Looks as awful as it is, really. The only redeeming factors are the car crashes and Crowe's acting, although his character is poorly fleshed-out and unrealistic. The rest is pretty much rubbish I thought the same at around the 3-minute mark. Later, I found bigger plotholes so I stopped caring about the platform mechanism