pelosfx's Replies

Don't forget he also shows the woman where the revolver is! Talk about dad of the year! So that's a surprise to you? That they make a show 10 years later and the actors look older? You are entitled to criticism but not something as unavoidable as this. There's no way someone looks younger by the year, someone human, I mean Agreed. It certainly disappointed me. The hitmen were supposed to be the best of the best, according to Gus, yet they fail to kill a guy armed with olive oil and a handgun She was turned on by the guy and masturbated while watching him. It's true the film could have shown him unloading groceries instead of effigies, but I think that was used to tie in with the Christmas setting, nothing else, a sort of two birds with one stone kind of thing Bills aren't gonna pay themselves. I was devastated too when I learnt this. Like the saying goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall 21) People in flames would never fall off a tree, just burn to death on a branch 22)Garbage collectors are always willing to take a break from their day jobs and fight violent heavy-armed thugs 23) Gand leaders never miss a workout when inside a service lift 24) You only know you've bought uncut heroin when the random girl you kidnap at a cinema passes out on the sofa Begbie from Trainspotting relocated to the Austrian countryside looking for Renton to get even, after Renton ripped him off. Hence the title Revanche (German for payback) You can't be serious. She's hideous I think the director/screenwriter did that on purpose, that way it isn't so big a coincidence that two drug dealers that know each other own the same car model white! Considering in 1999 cctv wasn't like it is now and considering the gun and trying to shoot the cop with it... They may well end up in jail like they did It's not just that, Alejandro is supposed to be a former lawyer who guess what, becomes the best shooter in the history of cinema in order to avenge his family's brutal demise. His shooting is so unrealisticly accurate it reminded me of a Rambo film. That, in a film that tries to portray the war on drugs in a realistic way just killed it for me I'm pretty sure the director wanted to make a point there, the whole randomness of wars and how close help was and still they missed it 22. It's always a genius idea to give a mint-condition muscle car from the golden era to one of the criminals, like avoiding prison isn't good enough 23. Headshots with autoloaders are a lot easier when you fire while jumping sideways 24. Putting on Guns n'Roses ripoff instrumental songs with every shootout never gets old 25. Any editor would agree that pointless monologues have to be left intact whereas major turning points in the script can be severy cut and poorly edited 26. Malls in Forth Worth in the 90s gather around 10 shoppers at once 27. Always hi-jack a place where there's more doors than people in your gang 28. Drug barons have back-door offices in shopping malls 29. Swat operatives faint every time they get hit on their bullet-proof vests 30. When you want to get your partners in crime off a bus full of convicts, shoot other convicts first and then shoot the cops driving behind the bus Couldn't agree more. Writing this season is atrocious. Deus ex machina all the way. Bronn and Jaime diving 200 metres in armour, only to emerge by themselves (why wasn't there anyone waiting for them?). Ravens and dragons that travel at the speed of light. Uncle Benjen showing up in the nick of time. It's got out of hand. Not many people seem to mind, which may be even worse Agree.Overkill Thought exactly the same. Still, when you, google it nothing comes up Walter Hill's Extreme Prejudice. Shootouts are second to none. Car Krystal was driving was not that one, hers was a fourth generation Mustang and the stolen one was much older It's a fair point. Still, it only makes sense if you plan to make a movie off that. No one in real life would have banked on such a ridiculous plan B when you can easily park another car around the block in case the first one isn't there when you expect it. It's still a hundred times safer than hikacking a city bus where all bets are gonna be off the minute you get on it.