Mavican's Replies

I love this cover so much! This and Ashes by Celine Dion. Have you seen the video for it? [url][/url] I watched the whole thing! I thought it was surprisingly funny, and i loved all the celebrity cameos! But i grew up watching Austin Powers so i'm not against toilet humour. I liked it better then The Do Over. Maybe it's just that Adam Sandler has stuck mostly to his niche, while the audience that grew up with a lot of his older films (Billy Madison, Little Nicky) grew out of his style of humour? Ok that makes sense! Maybe that's the one thing they chose to keep somewhat serious, and i suppose i don't blame them, their love is a pretty big theme in both movies. I suppose for a joker like Wade, if we're going magical realism that might be the one thing he wouldn't joke about. I imagine there was 'do what you have to' and gagging order put into effect pretty quickly in regards to mutants, and doing whatever you have to do sequester them if you can't just quietly bump them off. I imagine because the kid was older and shown himself to be a threat he was considered to be some that could be taught 'good value' or rehabilitated. Well there was: 'Don't fuck Collosus' Wade telling Vanessa to get the Strapon at the beginning The fact Deadpool is Pansexual in the comics. Given i love the Deadpool movies, and only know a little bit about the comics, maybe the fact that i don't know what you're referencing - as a 'casual' fan maybe - is an indicator of why they wouldn't include whatever you're referencing? But i liked the love story! Domino: Did he just call himself god? Fuck i loved Domino, she should get he own, maybe not film, but i'd love to see like some little 10 minute short films about her great luck super power. Yes, did you pick up on the text saying stuff like 'wait, they just killed her?' Ok maybe i just love Nathan Fillion! Haha. I wouldn't say creepy, but to be honest he wasn't much more then the vehicle for the dream guy. We never hear him complain about his wife, she's brought up like once, there's never any indication their marriage is bad, he just never talked about, and Jenna doesn't ask. I think he's kinda your 'magic pixie dream guy' there to play fiddle to Jenna. We never see any real reason for him to escape his wife, though you could suggest that while maybe he's been with his wife maybe through med school, and he loves her, he's in love with Jenna. >Another plot hole, or "religious reasoning" is how they expect the Handmaids to stone a woman to death. The extreme stress from this would put the pregnant women at risk, so makes no sense. There's no reason why they couldn't just have the guards execute the woman. Stoning to death was just a "shocking" dramatic device used as a way for the main Handmaid to rebel. I thought it was sloppy writing. You'd be surprised at how little brainwashing you need to make a person obedient. They've had them - the Handmaidens - beat a man to death in the first episode, and have been shown not afraid to use physical punishment or even maiming (Cutting off a hand for reading) to enforce they rules/laws. The point in having the Handmaidens do it and not the guards served multiple purposes. It makes them complicit in the atrocity. It helps cement the narrative that they are all 'banded' together in their 'glorious' purpose, it also makes it a warning, that this is what will happen to you if you get any ideas to harm yourself or hold your child hostage. I would make the assumption that at the time, to their knowledge, none of these women where pregnant, and perhaps would be exempt otherwise, like Offred quickly was once Aunt Lydia was informed she was pregnant, and they rushed to care for her. It might seem like a shocking plot device, but given there was psychological reasoning behind why Gilead would make the Handmaids do it themselves to someone they called a friend, it makes sense their choice to be seemingly disobedient, out of care for Janine, but in a meek and passive way, good storytelling. There's been careful methods to the Handmaids 'conditioning', which is why the regime was so quick to enact swift retribution in order to maintain the notion that they have all the power. Having not read the book, i would just assume that they were so desperate for fertile women - with deformed children and low conception rates - that they took even the black people deemed 'blessed by god'. ScreenPrism on Youtube did a great write up on women and their roles on Gilead seen here: [url][/url] Yup, i feel it was used to show that she was still kinda fake and up her own ass the the time a bit, that the lifestyle wasn't good for, while everyone around her was blowing smoke up her ass propping up and obviously pointless and shitty song. >She just comes off as really whiny and ungrateful given that this guy saved her life. And even the Mum pointed this out. There's going to have to be some huge progress in season 3. I'm tired of Emo Jessica and self righteous Trish. >This season suffered horribly by not having a big villain for Jessica to go up against, Eh, i wouldn't say that, the writing was nicely nuanced and twisty, though not the best, all the characters are kinda just assholes now. It would get kinda boring to just have a 'monster/big bad of the season' every season. But this shows starting to lose me, there's only so much brat adult with issues out the wazhoo poor me poor me i can handle. >Then toward the last half of the season it turned into a mother daughter tear jerking bonding fest True, but it was nice to see were Jessica get's all her 'Jessica-ness' from, even her mum pointed out she's a moody brat. But Jessica can't be moody all the time, she can't just be wa wa my life is terrible and bad shit keeps happening, unless you want her to be the poster girl blatant mental illness. >And Trish's constant whining and brooding about wanting powers too really made me dislike her character. Uh, yes, i on one hand, kinda hate the sudden addition of super power envy. But then She was on a downward trend all season, but i hope she get's her ass kicked by things like laws and public opinion and see's that no, she can't just go out and be a vigilante. >She was a badass last season, and then out of nowhere she becomes a weak whiny women who wants powers at all cost. It's like she having some weird mid-life crisis, but from the flashbacks we see she kinda alot of fragile (like Jessica) then we realise, she just worked real hard on being the proper adult. She's leaning toward that as of the end of Season 2, which is good. Because it seems like she pushed everyone away and she'll have to bail them out or bring them to their better selves in season 3 i assume. Yeah watching someone have a pity party for themselves everyday is fucked up, but Jessica is probably a walking depressed person with an axe to grind, which is sad, she seemed happy and somewhat adjusted in the flashbacks, but fragile, which has morphed into 'don't fuck with me' Jessica. He's not. He a mouth piece for Jessica's worse though during a particularly hard time. They should bring him back though as a representation of Jessica's worse self. Even though he was a cunt, he was a charming cunt. But maybe that's just David Tennant? Creepy me, i know.