MovieChat Forums > cdb > Replies

cdb's Replies

These sites needs to weigh the score by how many rantings given by a user and the average score that user gives all films as 5, their lowest score as 1, and their highest score as 10. That's just lazy and disrespectful, like a white man playing Martin Luther King Jr. Would you be OK with that? Or a white slave in 1700's America? Doing so offends and disrespects their most loyal fans of the characters. 1. Washington 2. Jefferson 3. Lincoln 4. Trump 5. Teddy Roosevelt 6. Eisenhower Easy, it'll always be the cartoon version because Disney is only remaking all of their animated movies to renew and retain their copyrights. So expect them all to be total shit while they pay their bare-minimum every few decades to maintain their legal protection status. Because no one wants to see foolish men wearing dresses and makeup. Another show ruined by social justice and SJWs. I'm done with this show. It's supposed to be kitschy. I love it. Exactly. I'm black and I think the word and the *rules* over its use are bullshit. I'm so tired of black folk calling me nigga. Right? It's still suspiciously stuck at 99% and I can't find anything anywhere about this. This movie was a C+/B- for me. @brux: They call themselves Antifa and have for almost 100 years. You should probably Google things first. Antifa are the real fascists nowadays. Here's a link to the Antifa wikipedia: Have any proof? This killed the movie for me. "trading" is as sensitive as they get. "Everyone's racist!!! WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Are you 5? You're way too sensitive and come off more like an ignorant racist. Anyone will likely feel social anxiety when they don't relate very well immediately with the rest of a group. A white person joining an all black party or a child around unfamiliar adults are no different. I couldn't agree more. Also, it was way too predictable. I knew what was coming as soon as they mentioned hypnotism after the all the racist talk with the obviously strange groundskeeper and maid. Nigger is just a word. Don't give it any power by censoring yourself. Just don't let words offend you and you'll never be offended again. That's a pretty skewered perspective. Anyone will likely feel social anxiety when they don't relate very well immediately with the rest of a group. A white person joining an all black party or a child around unfamiliar adults are no different.