MichelleDessler's Replies

ha lol OMG!!! I'm typing too fast. Thanks. I have fixed that. :-) Yes. I can't wait. Hate the dude. He didn't want to be Leader in the shoe task, but yet tried to boss people around and made stupid comments. He didn't even put any ideas forward and was dismissing everyone else's ideas. I'm glad the ladies didn't listen to him. I really hope it is a task he has no experience in. Will be fun to watch. :-) I loved both films. Armageddon was action packed, fun, entertaining and had Bruce Willis in his prime. Deep Impact was a drama and I found it more emotional (even though I cried hard when Bruce died in Armageddon), as it felt more realistic, especially when they said that those over 50 years of age would not be entitled to enter the ballot for the ark. It made me think about my parents, family, friends etc... and if this happened for real. I liked Jenny's storyline with her mum and dad. The only thing I didn't like about Deep Impact was the Leo and Sarah story-line especially the wedding. Yea. Me too. Thinking of watching the whole season 4 again. :-) I love this show. Andy standing in the rain free from prison. Andy playing the opera song to the inmates. The Warden and Red looking at the big whole in the wall. :-) Red finding the tin under the tree. Red and Andy finally meeting at the end of the film. I prefer him as the bad guy. He was stone cold in Die Hard 2. YESSS!!!! So happy. https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/cancelled-designated-survivor-is-picked-up-by-netflix/ Now I want Emily killed off. Can't stand her. Be interesting to see where her story goes from that cliffhanger. Thank you @MIchiganJFrogg. :-) I will do. @r5d4d2 - Yea I saw that. His monologue while floating in the air deserved an Oscar nom. 🤣🤣 🤣 JCVD stands for Jean-Claude Van Damme. I thought he was very good in A.W.O.L., Universal Soldier and Double Impact. I love his honesty in that interview. Of course he wouldn't win an Oscar for acting, but I've seen much worse and his films were so entertaining back in the day. Love JCVD. :-) Thank you. That is a great analysis. Very tragic. Kim’s reaction could have been relief that it wasn’t a horrible letter. Was a great episode overall especially seeing Gale. Yea I watched that interview after posting. Was awkward when she said she is not allowed to say why. Such a shame. Really loved her character and it is the final season next year. You didn’t miss much from season 3 but 4 was pretty good. :-) lol 🤣 :-) lol That made me laugh. Ok good to hear. I only started posting here recently as I’ve been using TMDd mainly. I will definitely stay away from the Marvel vs DC posts. Doesn’t look appetising at all. :-) Thanks @Jehosaphet. Wow thank you. After all these decades, I never knew there was a sequel to Love Story. Will keep a look out. Hey @OhHeyBro, Are there many trolls on this Movie Chat forum? I created a post for 'The Affair' and someone called Corky666 replied saying, "Shut Up Stupid". I thought what an intelligent reply to my post. :-) lol I haven't responded, as I don't want to feed it. On the other forum (TMDb) I haven't come across any trolls. Wow I thought this would be have been shown in all counties with Netflix. That's so unfair. I understand films and other TV shows may not be screened in all countries, but Better Call Saul says it's a Netflix Original. Make sure you don't read any spoilers. It is on Netflix. Check to make sure you have it. They add the episodes weekly. Mondays for US and Tuesdays for UK.