MovieChat Forums > Aidan > Replies

Aidan's Replies

I think of this as the prequel to Cloverfield. Only the space pod landed in the US (to match the thing hitting the water at the start of that movie, kicking things off). The Arrival or Arrived. Blame the married men who cheat on their wives and breaking their marriage vows, not the other person (whether hetero or homosexual) If you think Scream "stole" anything from any movie in the genre, then you completely missed the whole point of Scream. If you're younger (ie not born when Scream came out or didn't watch it until many years later) then that's understandable. This is the most embarrassing comment I've ever read on this site. You really tried so hard to be edgy whilst sounding like you're quoting facebook friends who went to the "university of life" and Fox News. You sound like an overly sensitive, easily led, imbecile. And I'm not mad about it, honestly. It gave me a good laugh at least. "figured the movie had that twist because we're in a Liberal-run society where a straight white male can't actually hook up with a heterosexual girl as a reward for his efforts, there's always some kind of subversion afoot." "If that kind of post-modernist bullcrap wasn't plastered all over fake-news Leftist media, you would have a point." You need a job, a hobby, or a life. Or all three. But that straight white male victim hood thing you have going is cute though lol Wow. Who knew such triggered people existed way back in 2007! During the Bush era to boot! 😁 I guess if you were to reboot your post PC would be replaced with "WOKE!!" Lmao ❄ Yeah but nobody knew she did anything seeing as it was all telekinesis. The replies in this thread are fking hilarious. How a bunch of grown adults could be SO insulted by somebody's opinion of a so-bad-its-good 80s movie that it's the top thread on this board 9 years later 🤣 I smell incel 😉 Great movie. Its on Netflix now. Everytime I'm decorating the house and the stepladder comes out, there I am singing Cool Rider. Yes! Our cult leader loves it and makes us watch it monthly as we pray. You're right. Look at how many millions have been vaccinated under the Biden administration in only 2 months. Was never gonna happen under T***p. Yes that was annoying. I mean, they could have given her an empty inhaler or something to make even the slight attempt at making it look realistic. And the fake wheezing sound which didn't match up with the character's physical breathing. 7 years late but that was a really interesting read. I didn't realise episodes having official titles was a relatively new thing. Thanks! You're probably thinking of the scene in Bruce Almighty where he throws a pretend rope at the moon and pulls it closer to the Earth, to create a large full moon whilst trying to be romantic with Jennifer Aniston's character.