Orcsquisher's Replies

Clearly, he didn't want gunshot noise to draw attention to his activities until he was DONE sending Dick Jones's final message to poor Bob. After shooting Bob, playing the recording, and making his exit, he didn't give a shit about the explosion drawing attention because he would already be gone by the time people got there. Uh, you may want to check some of my past posts. Unless you think i somehow retroactively argued against white wash casting for the Dune film weeks ago to refute the accusation of racism you made...2 min ago Yes who else would you expect to find as a housekeeper at an old English manor in the 1980's but a middle aged bald black woman? Give me a fucking break. I have zero problem with a person of any color or race being cast in any role of any film...WHEN IT MAKES SENSE. Not in the slightest imo. This was so boring I only made it halfway through the second episode. I thought the first series was so much better. The mark of a good ghost story is one that makes you forget about any looming supernatural threat so that when something scary does happen, it's truly a surprise. The side stories were interesting enough to provide that distraction. Also, really sick of woke bullshit. Nothing made the setting seem more fabricated than the forced diversity casting. Couldn't agree less. Not one ST show producer has yet taken the chance of making a female commander a competent leader AND still be feminine. Janeway was butch as hell. She had a penchant for ego-driven recklessness. A prime example was "Equinox" season 5 & 6 ep. 26 and 1. It was Chakotay who played the classically feminine role. Supportive, patient, a calm voice of reason, nearly always advocating a non-violent approach. It's a lazy writing tool to have a female leader adopt typical male mannerisms in order to fill a typically male role. If you have a problem taking orders from someone wearing pink bunny slippers, the problem is you. Looks like the set design might be amazing. But the casting is iffy. Zendaya has to be one of the most bland actors working. And as awesome as Jason Mamoa is, I just can't see Khal Drogo as a Mentat Ghola.