MovieChat Forums > r5d4d2 > Replies

r5d4d2's Replies

Your loss. Quite a good film. Maybe try Friday the 13th Part 17 - Jason vs The Argonauts. Sabine Wren (Rebels version) is a great character. yawn. try harder. yawn Don't worry. He eats Green Berets for breakfast. They have a lot of water in then. Oops ... wrong movie. I was in college when Northern Exposure first aired. It is a special show. Unique. I remember learning bits of wisdom from Marilyn Whirlwind (Maybe), Maurice Minniefield (the clock episode), Holling Vincoeur (his take on hunting) and Chris Stevens (the election episode). I am happy to see it streaming. I have wondered why it, and many other shows were not available anywhere. You can speculate all you want about secret cabals and shadow governments. Die Hard with a Vengeance is great. Jeremy Irons as ANOTHER Gruber. Great chemistry between Willis and Jackson. I am also a big fan of The 13th Warrior Thank you for spending your free time on discussing the world's most important issues... such as: - Is God Gay? - Which Beatle has the Biggest COCK? - Why are Cats so Adorable? - Why you love abortions so much? - Sharing your gay revelation at the age of 11. Keep up the good work! Shane is now ... Down in the Ground Where the Dead Men Go Was not aware of this, but great cast of Irish actors. Looking forward to it. Where did you watch it? Great actor. Extremely versatile. A chameleon. I have to totally agree. I have only watched the first two episodes, but i noticed the below, which is way beyond any sexual orientation averages. SPOILERS BELOW - Four of Roderick's six children are gay/bisexual. 1. the Black lesbian daughter (doctor/researcher). 2. the Arabic guy who has almost no screen time, except to tell us he has a boyfriend but still enjoys blowjobs from women. 3. The youngest son (Prospero) who wakes up in a bed full of naked men and women, and seems to have a three-way relationship with a woman and a trans person. 4. the daughter with the two assistants (one male - who sometimes wears a skirt and one female) who she gets in bed with at the same time. -On top of that, they make sure to tell us that the male US Attorney has a husband waiting for him at home. - Then, the other sister (who has no background except that she is married to a fitness personality) likes to hire prostitutes so she can masturbate while watching the prostitute simulate having dinner with her husband. - Lastly, there is constant talk to of penises, pussies and blowjobs. Who wrote this shit? I am not familiar with Poe's original work, but how could it be anything like this? I guess the moral of the story is .. All rich people are depraved sex fiends. I'm with clashwho on this one. I am not bodyshaming this actress, but look at this photo of her: and from the show's promotional photos: Her arms are twigs. Do you have any idea how physically demanding it is to qualify as a Force Recon Marine? This is what female Marines look like: LIFETAKERS and HEARTBREAKERS! Just like their male counterparts. Utter failure. I lasted five minutes. They could have at least made it more plausible, say if the Enterprise ran into a god-like entity (like Trelane or Apollo) who likes musical theater and forces the crew to sing and dance. Where did the music come from? Why did everyone know the same lyrics? How did they know the choreography? It would have been more acceptable if the crew members just sang what they were trying to say? The writing for Season 2 has been worse than mediocre. No strange new worlds. No new life or new civilizations. Why did these people decide to make a Star Trek show if they care nothing about Star Trek? Starting with Season 2, Rebels is one of the best Star Wars shows out there. Really excellent. Good episode, but not really in keeping with the main theme of the BM series (technology, especially emerging technology gone awry). What technology was misused/abused in this episode? Video cameras which have existed since the 1910's? Could this have been set in the 90's about events in the 70's, or in the 70's about events in the 50's, etc.? Yes. Always liked this guy. RIP! Before WW1, most Slavic peoples lived within the borders of empires. If you look at a map of 1800 Europe, you will see that all of Central and Eastern Europe, and the Balkans was carved up between German States (later Empire), the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. It wasn't until after WW1 that most Slavic peoples got their own countries, many of them squished together with other Slavs by the western powers. Czechoslovakia (Czechs and Slovaks), Yugoslavia (Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Slovenes, etc.). During WW2 the Slavic lands were some of the harshest battlefields. Poland invaded by Germany and the Soviet Union 1in 1939, then the main battleground for the Soviet offensive toward Berlin 1944-45. Yugoslavia was invaded by the Germans and had the most active partisan resistance. Following WW2, most Slavic people were trapped behind the Iron Curtain, under dictatorial regimes beholden to Moscow. They have only truly been free since the early 1990's. They are moving up steadily. This was an early film role for McQueen. He spent the 1950's on television. The Magnificent Seven (1960) and The Great Escape (1963) helped establish him as a leading man. Both M7 and TGE were ensemble films with no clear lead (though Yul Brenner was first among equals in M7). TGE also starred movie legends Garner, Attenborough, Bronson, Pleasence. Coburn and McCallum, among others. McQueen didn't take the lead for himself until the late 1960's with the likes of The Cincinnati Kid, Bullitt and The Thomas Crown Affair. Papillon (1973) was ten years after TGE when McQueen's name was established. Compare Tom Cruise in The Outsiders (1983, with future stars Patrick Swayze, Ralph Macchio, Matt Dillon and Rob Lowe) to his role as an established star in A Few Good Men (1992). Jeeves