MovieChat Forums > r5d4d2 > Replies

r5d4d2's Replies

The judge sentenced Baby to 25 years in federal prison. In the federal system, the defendant has to serve 85% of his sentence before being eligible for supervised release. According to my math, that's 21.25 years. Baby was caught on camera during one of the previous robberies. They probably would have charged him with multiple robberies, and the deaths/injuries of civilians and police officers. He would not be charged with the deaths of his co-conspirators. I don't think the cops could put together that he killed Bats intentionally. Getaway accident. 25 years as part of a plea agreement is possible, but highly unlikely, unless he helped the cops round up all the other robbers he ever worked with. The last quarter of the films got more and more far fetched, but it was an enjoyable film. I greatly prefer RTD. I dislike everything about the Moffat era except Matt Smith, Vincent Van Gough and Peter Capaldi. Screwdriver into the neck instead of the hand. Pot of boiling water in the face. And how was it established that "He is the only guy capable of beating Walker" except through dialogue? Is it because he can murder innocent people in a basement, or because he can cut women's throats while they sleep or lead his militia members into an ambush? He has no special training. He has no military experience. He is a twenty something who grew up playing with guns, pulling the wings off birds and pretending to be a soldier. Troy killed an entire family of innocent people. He needs to meet with an accident (rattlesnake). He is a danger to every human.