SevignySlave's Replies

Well, if some loony says so.... Best answer. Probably some older professor or a work colleague, then she comes home and henpecks Tim for not paying her tuition fast enough. I get the feeling Jill's one of those moms that walks around the house naked and probably gets a thrill knowing Wilson can see her. I think the biggest problem is budget. They used it all up on the shipwreck, airplane scenes, and probably Vikander's paycheck. Since the movie can't be 20 minutes lone they had to fill it up with goofy nonsense like her kickboxing and riding a bike really well (remember that from the games, Lara's ability to pedal a bicycle?). Trinity was Neo's girlfriend. Himiko had a rare plague and had herself entombed to keep bad people like Neo's girlfriend from using it as a weapon. I think? I thought Cradle of Life was pretty slick, though I've not seen it in a while. It made money internationally, but last I heard Vikander wasn't going to come back though there was talk of a direct-to-dvd sequel. Chloe in ten years will still be hotter than prime Lawrence. I wouldn't call it fat. She looked great though. Wish more attractive actresses would be so bold. I get it. I used to love when I was younger but when I tried rewatching the whole series I skipped through so much. Tool Time, Wilson, and Al are always great, but Jill and the home drama brings it to a screeching halt. That whitewater rafting episode may be the most useless episode of tv ever. Difference is you could actually see those 16 blocks. Peter Berg needs to go to director jail for that fucking shakycam. I was pretty underwhelmed. On the other hand, though I still think she's too small for an action heroine, I've come around to liking Vikander and would like to see a sequel if only to see her playing the iconic Croft with dual guns, etc. Of course, we all know it would just be based on one of the reboot games so I guess it's better the series stay dead. You can't miss it in Jason Bourne. She sounded a lot better by Tomb Raider. She's also too old for an origin movie. The actress should be early twenties at most, not pushing thirty. Original Lara was like 5' 11". Either way, Vikander is still too short. Since it looks like they are basing it off the reboot game, an origin story, late 20s Vikander is way too old to. Chopra is tall and has a bangin' body, though. She's a better fit for Lara than tiny Vikander. Lara has never been short, though, and Vikander is SHORT. She also has a terrible nasal accent when speaking English. As someone who has never watched the show, does Grace Park send ample time strutting around in bikinis?