StarWarsRey's Replies

She is, by far. Every movies have deleted scenes. And almost every movie trailers have scenes not in the movie. So it doesnt mean a director's cut is coming. She's very sexy Well they did it with The Last Jedi. People were expecting something during the Super Bowl? It seems obvious that the trailer will be released during Star Wars Celebration in April, just like they did with The Last Jedi. I actually love the 2011 movie, wich is why its even weirder that i didnt know they were making a tv show based on it. I honestly had no idea this series was a thing before i saw the Super Bowl trailer. Wait really? She can do a lot better than him. Yes Well known fact. The bluray was released by Cohen Media, so no Criterion. I havent seen Destroyer, is it really good? The Others I hope this is post is meant to be a joke. Spelling please? For god sakes, just dont watch the damn show if you dont want to. Nobody will notice you arent watching. She also is with short hair. Not only does she look like a girl, but she is also extremly gorgeous. "avoid this garbage." You do know the movie came out nearly 5 years ago right? He wont