JigsawDude's Replies

Sif could always potentially come back but even so, it is really weird that Thor didn't give a crap. It just kind of seemed like the main story of Ragnarok was supposed to feel more like a serious storyline with a lot of stakes but it all sort of felt like one big joke. I understand that this had to happen due to the success of the previous movies having rather comedic and lighter tones though. I guess I wish it was what they built up to in AOU and felt like a more impactful story. I kind of miss the days of single contained super hero-esc movies where there wasn't references to other things/characters and movies where the storyline and characters were the main focus, not references and punchlines. I love the Marvel movies but I'm starting to feel the fatigue. Can't wait for Infinity War though. No problem. Took me about 2 seconds. Again, the posters for this movie aren't related to anything in the movie. The face paint thing was only to basically say that anyone can be Jigsaw and everyone is a suspect. It's not like the old movies (or at least most of them) where the poster has a direct relation and the tagline on the poster has direct relation to the movie. -_- It was a trailer scene. A scene shot specifically for a trailer and that's it haha. Is this a serious question? The posters have nothing to do with the movie at all. Perhaps, but it's just a situation that personally changed my view of Nancy and somewhat Jonathan. We don't have to agree on that, it's just my own opinion. You're calling me an SJW? That's hilarious! I'm actually completely anti-SJW. Sounds like someone has a superiority complex. They are characters in the show. I can agree or disagree with the actions they take as I please. I don't really understand your point? Give 4-6 a chance. You might be surprised. 7 is bad though, but I mean might as well finish the franchise right? It's better than 7 and maybe better than 5 in terms of the main game being played (the flashbacks in 5 were the saving grace because of Tobin Bell) but it's still worse than the rest I think. What exactly isn't a cliche at this point? Everything has been done before, it's all about execution. Sounds like we have different points of view on what cheating is. It has nothing to do with "limited high school experiences". Normally when a break up happens, its made clear to both parties. Steve even went to Nancy's house to try to work things out after their talk at the school, so clearly he didn't think they were broken up. I never said I was "butthurt" or that Nancy was a "slut". I said that she cheated on him and it's not an okay in my point of view to do. Sounds to me like you're butthurt that I didn't like something that a character did in a TV SHOW. I don't need to like every character or agree with every action done by every character in any tv show or movie, it comes down to values and ideals and mine just happen not to align with yours or Nancy's and Johnathan's. Is it okay for Nancy and John to like each other? Yes. Can they date? Yes. Can they have sex? Yes and I don't mind any of those things but how things were done between Nancy and Steve left me unsatisfied and it feels like there is still unfinished business, as made clear by Steve staring at her and the end of the final episode. He isn't over things and maybe that is because there isn't any real closure there, she just rebounded to Johnathan. So, yeah I would like to see it more explored in season 3, maybe just one scene with the two where things are cleared up and we move along but how things were done made me dislike John and Nancy a bit more and I like Steve a lot more than both of them, which is something I wouldn't have said last season. Both. This movie shouldn't have been made without it being a sequel to the first two and even then, if it was still basically the same movie, it still would have been shit. When is getting drunk and cheating okay? They never specified a break up or a break in their relationship and since when does being in a relationship but not being married make it okay to cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend? He was also alive in the hospital and Logan injected something into his IV and killed him. Something Jigsaw (John Kramer) doesn't condone. Yeah, he was. I hated him most of last season but now he's one of the best on the show. So, good time for Nancy to cheat on him right? Seriously, I thought Nancy was alright last season but now she is my least favourite on the show and Jonathan has also gone down a few notches. I hope that the cheating on Steve is addressed in the next season. Episode 7 really just feels like set up for next season or some kind of spin-off show. It's not terrible because it gives Eleven more backstory but it does feel out of place. I love this franchise and have been with it since the very beginning. I've seen them all countless times and enjoy piecing together things and watch the story unfold and expand the backstory of characters, but I honestly feel like it's best to leave this franchise alone now or like I said, address a majority of my issues in the sequel. VII was already basically a franchise killer with how bad it was to begin with so I was really hoping for a huge step up. If you liked this movie, I'm glad. It's clearly not for everyone and I feel that a lot of diehard fans like me will leave with a sour taste in their mouths and feel a bit betrayed. Lastly, 4-7 were basically unmentioned and only briefly referenced to with a throw away line "How can Jigsaw come back from the dead?" "It happened before" and that's it. No mention of Dr. Gordon (guessing he just showed up to end John's legacy in 7 and Logan is now just doing things on his own accord without Johns knowledge). No mention of Amanda or Hoffman (not even just throw away lines to acknowledge they existed, considering the police KNEW about them in the previous film), hell even Jill got a mention near the end of the movie. Like I said before, the final twist while logical for the story being told, just doesn't add up in the grand scheme of all of the other movies. The final death was cool but looked too CGI for my taste and the final issue I have with this movie is just like Saw V, there is NO GODDAMN GAME OVER (Seriously, WTF?!?!) I'm aware a lot of the issues I mentioned COULD be addressed and explained in further sequels. Perhaps flashbacks explaining why Logan stopped working with John (if he even did) but to be honest, I feel like this should be the final film. I would say that it is better than VII in a lot of ways and that this should have been VII but replace Logan with Doctor Gordon and re-write it to fit the rest of the franchise better and this could have been an amazing finale but instead, it feels like a subpar beginning to a new franchise that just couldn't keep up with all of the lore already set up in the previous movies. I liked the majority of the traps and how even though the main game is similar to game from II and V, it felt different and things were less obvious. I liked most of the characters (mainly that the reasons for them being there are fleshed out pretty well) in the game even though most of them weren't very smart. I liked Tobin Bell showing up for a few minutes and showing that this all took place before his death.