JigsawDude's Replies

I just got home from seeing it and again, I find myself torn the same way I was after seeing VII... I have some issues with this movie. Firstly, I think the smoother and more cinematic direction and cleaner look of the movie hurt it. It really needed the music video, crazy cut style of I-VI (VII had some of that but was over all slower cause of the 3D) and the overall look doesn't make sense because of how things looked in the first movie (considering the main game is a flashback set before the first) Second, how can the main game take place before the first movie (and after Cecil's knife chair trap I assume) if there are flatscreen TV's and his puppet has glowing eyes? Even if the game was "never actually discovered" these details still don't make sense and it also makes the first film feel irrelevant/unimportant because the bathroom wasn't actually the first "game" (single Traps and full on Games are different). Third, Logan is going the exact same route as both Amanda and Hoffman. He is a murderer and uses Jigsaw as a means to excuse his actions (if there is a sequel, I'd like to see this addressed). Also, what happened? Did Logan become his temporary apprentice/partner and then just stop so he could be a full-time coroner? Did Amanda and Hoffman and hell, Dr. Gordon know about him? If he didn't stop working with Jigsaw, where was he throughout the previous movies? You're telling me that Ryan had the ability to go back and completely recreate a game EXACTLY just so he could have bodies that resemble the characters from the actual game just to trick the police and the audience (mainly just to trick the audience)? The Saw movies got pretty far fetched, but NEVER this far... Continued below Likely because it is a remake and it ultimately didn't do anything too different from the original. I'm in the group of people who actually liked it, even though it wasn't needed. They'll get to Jigsaw VII 4D and then re-reboot and call the new franchise Jig. Jk. I don't even know what they would call a sequel to Jigsaw (Jigsaw 2? Sounds stupid) but I'd bet that they get as far as 3. Would be best to do it that way and just tell a good trilogy story but obviously keep things as connected to the previous franchise as much as possible instead of doing a completely brand new storyline with all new characters. One can hope it will be good. Honestly, I am going in with lower expectations then I did with the previous movies due to just how bad VII ended up being. I'm not sure how they can really go forward from that considering Cary Elwes isn't in it apparently and most of the old characters aren't returning (as far as we know). I think they are counting on non-fans/idiots to think that Jigsaw is somehow alive and to go to the theatre to find out. Don't think he is. Too much evidence points to Deckard not being a replicant. Child's Play (Took a cheesy concept and took it seriously and the build up to Chucky's reveal is amazing) Child's Play 2 (Did things almost as well as the 1st but had a lighter tone unfortunately) Child's Play 3 (Became a bit darker again but I didn't really enjoy the setting too much, and the movie seemed kind of uneventful compared to the first two) Curse of Chucky (Went back to Chucky's roots more but the film is overall a bit predictable. At least it isn't a comedy anymore, and Andy being included again was cool except that he was completely wasted as set up for the next movie, which he was also wasted in again) Bride of Chucky (Took the story away from Andy which I didn't really like, stupid characters everywhere but the deaths and direction of the film weren't too bad, also seemed a bit dark still even with the comedy elements) Cult of Chucky (First half of the movie is good but everything falls apart in the second half, comedy ruins the tone, characters are completely wasted and the movie feels completely pointless if you really think about what happens in it) Seed of Chucky (Seemed like a "Scary Movie" parody type film of Chucky movies with references to other movies and breaking the 4th wall crap) Chucky is supposed to become more human the longer he spends in each doll body. Which is something that this film completely forgot to make light of. At this point, I honestly wouldn't be against a remake. I want another Child's Play movie, not a Chucky movie and I thought that Curse was getting things back on track rather well but this movie literally seems like Don did a bunch of drugs while making it and somehow thought that making a non-sensical, reference ridden movie with some of the stupidest characters since Bride and Seed was somehow the way to go. When the day comes that a Child's Play remake is announced, I will actually be interested, but if a sequel is announced, I have no more interest left in the franchise. The only way I could maybe care is if Andy is the main character, trying to save Nica (for REAL this time) and the movie is the explicit final chapter for Chucky, Andy and Nica for better or worse. After Curse, I was expecting the movie to be taken relatively seriously again and the first half of the movie does that well. Nica's fate at the end was insulting, Andy was completely wasted again, stupid characters everywhere, the rules for Chucky being changed completely out of nowhere and without an actual good reason behind it (Voodoo for dummies, are you fucking kidding me?), Chucky having no real goal at all anymore, too much fan service and ultimately, the movie was pointless. Nica didn't even have a chance to change her fate at all. Characters were just being killed off or possessed (or characters still blamed her even though it's completely moronic to do so) and made it impossible for Nica to do a damn thing to either escape the Asylum or to kill Chucky. She literally just pretty much sat around waiting for the ending of the movie. The only redeeming qualities were the kills (Chucky putting his arm down the woman's throat felt kind of overboard), Nica and Andy (who were both wasted characters) and the few call backs to the original trilogy of Child's Play movies. The problem for me is that Don didn't focus on making a good movie. He made a decent half of a movie and then decided to make it all about fan service, references, and comedy. I saw potential in a claustrophobic asylum set horror movie where Nica still has to prove her innocence while everyone around her is literally more crazy than she is, but nope, had to just possess her at the end ruining the character (after all she has been through). Could they make an 8th movie and have Andy somehow find a way to get Chucky out of her while other Chucky's try to stop him? Sure, but I think too many mistakes have been made with this franchise at this point and I think that it is better to be kept dead. If they do make an 8th movie, just make it about Andy and give Nica a smaller role instead of Andy having a glorified cameo where he does NOTHING (seriously, goes to the asylum and gets thrown in, but does nothing to try to save Nica, just has a battle with a Chucky doll in his cell and that's it? Why was he even in the movie?). I personally thought this movie was absolutely terrible and an insult to Child's Play fans. $30million dollar opening weekend $80million total gross. Just my guess. People just aren't scared of Werewolves anymore these days. I wouldn't say personally that the screaming woman was weak but the CGI was pretty noticeable. Cool. Sounds good! Thought it was bad but enjoyable. Like many so bad it's good movies. There are redeeming qualities to this movie and I can see it having a cult following over the next few years but it's far from being good. I remember you from IMDB but I don't recall your HOJ account lol. I used to use HOJ back during the days of Saw 2-4. He won't be impeached though. He is doing everything he said he would, so American's who disagree just need to get used to it. I think almost everyone was miscast in this movie but the cheesy acting kind of works at the same time. Just seemed like the Dane and Cara gave zero shits while filming the movie.