xenario13's Replies

they could mention it, but yeah, it has been mentioned before. i don't think her plan is to wage a long war. she is done with listening to advice about not being like her father. john made a compelling argument about how she shouldn't do exactly what she did. she can finish the war by just burning all her enemies and she can take what her army needs. food. gold. supplies. whatever. there are only 2 episodes left in the season so the food is not a major issue. you should rewatch the episode because the attack was not to get supplies. she went against all advise from advisers and attacked as a show of power and to destroy everything. i think the better question is why is he even still alive. he shouldn't have even made it to the weapon or been able to save Jamie in time. i am more annoyed by that. He doesn't seem like Bran anymore. I think he's just the Three Eyed Raven now. He is not the same child. He knows a lot about what has happened and what will happen and apparently he doesn't see the point in having a heart to heart because to him it would be like reliving it. Also, maybe he knows something about Meera that we don't. she didn't go there to get food. she went there to show her power and destroy everything. she can get food from anywhere. you may consider it a "retcon" but i don't think we're going to see her armies die of hunger. I only read the books because of the show. The books are actually very different from the show. There are things that have happened on the show that just will never happen in the books and still other things in the books that the show totally left out. For example, in the last episode it was suggested the Brienne's oath of Catelyn Stark was fulfilled, but in the books Catelyn Stark is back from the dead and she considers Brienne a traitor. When the next book comes out there are story lines unique to the books that GRRM must resolve and as a result the ending will not be the same. I just found out about moviechat today. It's a great IMDB alternative because the format is similar. I think that not a lot of BB fans know about it yet. But some other forums for other shows are a little more active on moviechat. I didn't want Jess out either but she shouldn't have thrown the Temptation Challenge (TC). It probably would have been much easier for Jess to win the TC and for Cody to face off against whoever was on the block for the veto. Now Jess just looks like she threw her game away before jury. If she doesn't stay this week I will get over it. But I wouldn't mind seeing Elena go. Raven actually would make a great back-door option, but I don't think anyone in the house other than Cody or Mark will vote for her. I thought it was mean to associate Pao Pao and Alex, but they do look similar because they are both Asian and they have the same hair dye job. There have been only 3 or so Asian women on BB so the similarities are not hard to miss. Alex is actually a much better player than Pao Pao and she could last a long time. She could be winner material. Yeah. I have been watching BB consistently for the past several seasons and this is just as worth watching as any other season. I was not happy when he won but due to the temptation challenge his HOH is really interesting. Josh has one member of each showmance up on the block. This week one showmance will be over so his HOH reign will be significant. Bronn and Jamie should have been burnt to a crisp in the last episode. I think that she did the right thing because war is violent and devastating. She is not going to win the war through diplomacy. She has to somehow be brutal and merciless in battle and be a fair and just on the throne. She is also going to have to be just as brutal and merciless against the night king.