presldentackbar's Replies

Never seen it. Because it sucks. the entire premise of the film is that there are many different dimensions the film only shows spider-people from six of the millions of parallel universes the spider-man you are referring to was blonde, and also wore his costume while dancing that one IS NOT the Raimi one 4 of the 6 Spider-People are White agreed, Rian Johnson is a moron i was okay during season 1, but 2 is weirder Toy Story came out the same year, with nothing but CGI-lead characters. nailed it the jetsons ride Your last guess was correct. I am Tonto. he said VFX Disagree, I saw them all, and I don't know WTF is going on. They have introduced way too many new actors / characters / storylines. I'd be fucking hoes in Ibiza. difficult to run from prison wasn't that King Kong's brother? the space shuttle blew up in january you are right, like that one scene, when the apes actually, when donkey kong shows up, ralph spanks the monkey yeah, so far the tone is all over the map i betting on a "happy medium" for the third one