GameOfSlaves's Replies

Oooh!!! Yes! A side of mac n cheese! Long before the first one, awakens, I saw him in an interview saying he's going to be in the Disney ones. Hamil said Lucas took him out to lunch and told him he was selling to Disney and asked if he'd like a part. He said Lucas didn't care one way or the other. He just needed to know because it would affect the sales price. So Disney never wanted them but I think it upted the sales price by pitching that if people knew Carrie, Harrison and Hamil were in the next ones, they'd be more likely to get everyone in the theaters. Why did you call him a loser? He's right. They bought it from Lucas to do exactly that, pump out an annual movie until it's milked to death. Business is business. Money is god. Money is the root behind all evil. Look at the last, last as its toast, Transformers movie. Same thing. I know right! Luke deserved a better death than by heart attack. Non of the heroes of the original Star Wars have a happy ending. Star Wars has been destroyed? Wow. Ling response. No life, eh? I agree. What sucks too is people keep paying money to be only disappointed. It's like Transformers with Michael Bay. I agree. Many people agree with you Why would he die using the force? What a lame way to reboot all if Star Wars. This proves eating fish won't save you from a heart attack you might get pushing to hard on a toilet or using the force to project your image. What argument idiot? Entertainment is subjective. The garbage you like, doesn't mean it's the good stuff I like. Oh, and your mom loves my dick. He probably have to be older like me to get all the references so it's understandable you might not like it which is OK I will admit Episode 4 slowed it down but come on? 5&6 were great! He was cleaning pigeon poop off his own statue! And then when the teenagers wanted to take a picture and he thought it was a selfie with him but then they just wanted a picture of the building behind his statue of himself because they're too young to know who he is! His self-deprecating humour is hilarious man. And why would you say I'm a fake reviewer? Have you seen some of my reviews and comments to people? I'm a real person buddy. My jizz didn't go over your mom's head like this post has. Ya. It's PC washed but not as bad as other movies have been. Actually I'm fairly certain I recently met the best bj giver to have ever been born. She can do a whole bj all the way down just for a warm up!!! Wow. Someone is mad their spouse is banging their nephew! Nope. Just a very true post, as it is turning out. Seeing all the you are insulting me posts is hilarious. What makes you soooo special and the other haters that you think I'm talking about you? If you aren't self centred why hate on this? Because you're all hypocrites in disguise. LOL. It's over your head. Go away. No one. Who hurt you?