GameOfSlaves's Replies

The highest budget ever per episode of a TV show. Just that makes it worth checking out. 1) It's reasonable. They're basically making six movies. It takes Pixar three years each. Many live action films today are four to six months just filming, not including post. 2) They have to consider timing of the new books. 3) They don't want anything against Westworld. They will test it on its own for a year and keep going or axe it. 4) With today's streaming, they need more extra features to sell the box set and more shooting time to fit in behind the scenes specials etc. I was thinking more like Vice President for Steve-O? You voted for Trump and are actually considering Oprah. Doomed. No. LOL. I'm explicitly saying you're a moron. It's a crappy movie with that spoiled self loving game of Thrones actress that plays sansa. Agree I think you should be careful because big brother may find out you said bullshit and take away your kids. And your question is not relevant like this money grab sequel. It was lazy formula garbage for suckers of weak mind and no imagination. True points except the sister part. I think that was done to make peace between Hon and Luke. The best thing to come out of ROTJ was Leia's slave out fit! How many millions of people today were born from that Halloween costume? It's still popular too. And that's not including porn. America. Guilty by accusation. Guilty before proven guilty. Gotta love America. Home of the extortion artists. I guess you didn't like the Ewoks either? That's fine, just asking. I wanted to see Sheldon be a dad. Raj get married. Stewart win the lottery and yes, Penny gets a part in a big movie. Most others too it seems. Yes we are very lucky. You work for Disney. Very good points. Interesting. I agree. Good way of putting it.