GameOfSlaves's Replies

Ya. She's also a popular Halloween costume now... Miles. Not coy. Everyone knows it's Miles. Doesn't follow the book if that's what your asking. Lots of mindless action, yes. Not big action but action yes. Ego maybe. Also marketing data on target audience, young teens who haven't read the books. The big market is young 12 year old girls are the ones who spend or control the spend. The teen boyfriend going along just to make his date happy or mom and dad going because their girl wants to. LOL. Now that was funny. Mostly murmurs of people wishing they bought tickets to s different film. Likely people like me who read the books first. Young people mostly talking about weed or trying to figure out the plot. No, the hammer was 50/50. The eye thing was terrible. The make up was a joke. Trump = Americans are Doomed There is no going back from letting the rich take over. So you either vote for corrupt paid off politicians or the corrupt corporate elite doing the paying off. Lose lose situation. Americans are doomed. They cut his hair!!! They had the worse make up ever for a guy that lost his eye!!! Arrrrrrrg!!! LOL. LOL... brainwashed much. It was great! We need more! Anyway, you see more at any beach. Not a big deal. Just nice!!! The elevator!!! Yes, maybe at the end as they move out right at the end. Trump doesn't care about American citizens. You won't change my opinion. Let's stop attacking each other and let it go. LOL. Trump liver thunks wha? Whaaaaa? LOL. Everyone knows it's on the list. It recently contributed over 200 pts. Here's the list That's not how math works. Most of it is because of Goldman stock. Do you even know what the djia is? Ya, I agree. I list a bit of respect for the dwarf character this past season. Making mistakes, underestimating Cersi, and, now he's obviously going to betray them to save Cersi's baby. Although, in season 1&2 I think I thought the dwarf and the actor both were my favs but Cersi is crushing it every time since she blew up all the priests etc.